Wow! It's been a Year???????

on 11/3/09 7:37 am - Seattle, WA

Good Evening November Surgiversaries!

I find it almost inconceivable that I am rapidly approaching my one year surgiversary! How about you? Are you where you wanted to be? Are you where you thought you'd be?

So many of us start out at a vast difference in weights, have different goals, expectations, varying degrees of loss, etc. I would love to hear how everyone is feeling about their success and challenges. Do you find it harder the further out we get, or did the light switch go off and the behavior changed?

I know we aren't a very active board (which has bummed me out a little, and I believe OH offers a great support system, but I am guilty of not getting on here as often as I should,could, etc.)

My take so far:

I am not where I want to be (need to lose about 17lbs more), but have far exceeded my expectations of where I thought I'd be!

I am so, so grateful I had this surgery. I have regained my health and my life.

I have learned that losing weight does not solve everything. It doesn't fix financial worries, doesn't find your husband a job when he is laid-off, and many of the other challenges we face in life.

It feels incredible to weigh less than I did in high school! It feels even better to lose the CPAP (no more apnea), have low blood pressure and glucose levels, be 2% points away from a "Normal" BMI- heck I've never been a "normal" anything!

I feel confidence increasing every day (even though I still struggle with some body dysmorphia and see a "fat girl" when I look in the mirror).

At moments, when I can see how much smaller I am in clothes (I've gone from a tight 32 to size 12) and I can take pride in what I've accomplished, I take my clothes off for a shower and see a Sharpei in the mirror! The skin issues are horrible!

I know I have given it my best shot to be around and raise my twins 7 year old boys. I wanted to be around to raise them, to run and have adventures instead of sitting on the sidelines winded. Life has no guarantees that I will not get some other illness, etc., but at least I took morbid obesity off my list and all it's associated risks!

So please share your highs and lows and a Big Congratulations on your 1st surgiversary and all that you've accomplished!

21 pounds lost on 10 day pre-op diet
on 11/3/09 10:10 am - Haines City, FL
I am where I wanted to be. My 1 yr will be tomorrow and my tummy tuck will be done tomorrow. I wanted to be at 125, but I am happy at 132. I've lost 97.5 pounds. I've gone from a 26/28 to a 10/12. Once the belly is gone I will probably be a 6/8. My surgeon wanted be around 135/140 and I made that goal at around 9 months.

I am maintaining very well. As long as I remember to eat, I'm doing ok. LOL I can't really eat sweets, and I don't really crave them at all either. that's the one I thought I'd have a hard time with. So I find it pretty easy to keep it all up. I don't know if it will be as easy later on though. 

I also would love to hear how everyone else is doing. :)

on 11/3/09 10:46 am - Seattle, WA
Great job and how exciting to have a TT!!! That is the one thing that will be a must for me! I have a huge panni and really hope to get approaval through insurance for removal. All the best reaping the benefits of your loss! Keep us posted on your TT results!
21 pounds lost on 10 day pre-op diet
on 11/4/09 11:42 pm - Haines City, FL
Thanks. My surgery went well and I'm not at home recouping. Good luck getting it through insurance.  :)

Sue M.
on 11/4/09 4:27 am - Nantucket, MA

I feel like I'm so far out... since i had my first GAIN of 3lbs!  BOO!  I track my calories and exercise, so I'm not sure what it's about, but I'm just gonna keep on keeping on.  My lowest weight so far was 152.  My goal was 150, and I'm happy and trying to maintain .  MAINTAIN?  That was my goal before I ever started this - was just to NOT GAIN weight.  I'm certain I can keep in a range now.  My size 6 (!!!!) pants tell me that I can do it!

I'm off insulin.  BP meds gone.  fought off the cholesterol meds before they made me take them.  What a relief!

Yeah, the skin is gross, but nothing compared to the fat that is gone and the health that has returned. 

I'm amazed and surprised every day.  That I exercise..that I WANT to exercise!!  Imagine that! I ran a 5K race this fall!  That was a big moment for me - having never run before to training for and completing a 5K. 

Today I'm wearing a pair of my sister's pants.  My sister has always been the "tall and skinny one" in our family.  She recently purged her closet of things she was tired of and thought I could use.  I was thrilled to get some clothes that fit - and to actually share things with my sister??  AMAZING.  if it weren't for the Sharpei strapped to my butt and thighs, we'd almost look similar!

So, I'm proud, astounded and thrilled for myself and everyone that we've done this.  I've had an easy go of it so far, but I think this maintenance thing is gonna be hard.  The normal fluctuations are going to make me batty - but keep me on target. 

WHOOOHOOOO to my whole new life!


Read my blog, BARIATHLETE   I run because I can.

First 5K race October 4, 2009   (34.59)  PR 5/22/11 (27:26)
First 5 Mile: January 1, 2011 (50:30)
First 10K: July 4, 2010 (1:03.26) New PR 4/10/11 (1:01.14)
First 10 Mile: April 11, 2010  (1:46.15)
First 1/2 marathon: June 13, 2010 (2:22.21)  PR: 5/1/11 (2:17.30)
First Marathon: October 16, 2011: 5:47:20

Goofy Challenge: January 7-8, 2012
If you think you can, you can.  If you think you can't, you're right. - Mary Kay Ash
on 11/9/09 8:21 am - Glenside, PA
Had my one-year check-up today.  Have only lost about 2/3 of the weight I wanted to and even my surgeon is  hoping I can lose another 20 lb (I've only lost 2 lb in the last 6 months) but I look and feel so much better than I did a year ago even with the saggy skin.  My labs all came back pretty good although I'm back to being borderline anemic and will start iron as soon as I can get to the drug store.  I've been off all diabetic meds since surgery and my Hgb A1C has dropped from 7.4 with meds to 6.1 without them. 

on 11/19/09 10:37 am - NJ

I 'm shocked how fast this year has gone.  I have not reached my gaol, about 25lbs to go BUT not complaining at all.  It has been an amazing journey.  My weight loss has slowed down,  only lost 8lbs in 2months, I think I need to look at my daily intake.

I to feel incredible, I running about 2 miles a day, who ever thought I could run.  I  think plastic surgery is going to be needed for the bags under my arms.

Congratulation everyone and  good luck on our 2 year.

on 11/21/09 1:54 pm

Today is my surgiversary.  I hit my goal weight last month, and I'm 4# below it today.  My blood pressure is good, and I'm feeling good.  The only thing that I'm not happy about....loose skin.  Thank God for Spanx!  I'm anxious to see my surgeon and the dietitian in a couple of weeks.  I'm a bit nervous about how to stop losing weight and succeed at maintenance.  

Congratulations to all of my fellow November 08 surgi-mates!  SG

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