How much weight have you lost so far
Take Care,
I honestly feel great, I have more energy and feel better about myself. I have been a slow but steady loser, down about 60 pounds which I couldn't have done myself. I do have days when I want to shove food in my mouth, I think its just head hunger. Whatever issues I had before surgery with food are still there. I just have to learn to deal with them. I have gotten bad about tracking my protein lately and a lot of times I am on the low end of the protein requirements. One unfortunate thing is that I am not a dumper, but I am very careful with my sugar intake regardless.
Well keep up the progress!

Dawna B.
WOW, congratulations! That is amazing, I'm down 62 pounds since 11/12/08 and still loosing. I've joined Curves and go 3-4 times a week (and now we're doing boot camp yipeee) and on the other 1-2 days I'm doing my Jullian Michaels/The Biggest Looser dvd for weight training.
I don't really have the "head" hunger pains, but I can stiill only eat very little, i.e., 1/2 a sandwich, small baked potatoe, 1 egg, small bowl of oatmeal, etc I'm having no problems now getting in my proteins as I love, love, love seafood so I'm able to intake sushi (my all time favorite) which I love my salmon, yellow tail, eel, shrimp and tuna! Since these are very high in protein I can usually get it in easily. I also get most of it in my food intake although I do like to drink protein as well.
I'm down from a 22/24 to a 14/16 and I'm averaging about 2-2 1/2 lbs per week! Good luck to your continued weight loss and again congratulations!
I am right within the Doctor's average category though. I started out at 226 and am at 178. I am in a size 12 pants and a large shirt. I wore an outfit to dinner last week that I have not worn since Easter 1998 or 1999. That was really weird! Luckily, it is back in style....hahaha. Most of my old clothes are a size 12 so I am happy about having a whole new wardrobe, so to speak. I mean it has been a good 7 years since I fit in most of them!!
I am hoping to lose 100 lbs, but am getting scared about reaching that goal, since I am coming close to the 6 month mark soon. I know I can lose more, but this board has me scared that once the 6 month honeymoon period is over then I am as good as I have a trainer and have been lifting, so I am still seeing a loss of inches, by my clothing sizes dropping. I try not to get too attached to the number on the scale, but I do still look every couple of weeks..
Anyon else slow like me?
I decided from the beginning to not be a slave to the scale. Yes, it'd be really nice to see it moving faster. But the fact is, I could have NEVER EVER done this on my own. I've tried for years. I'm feeling so blessed that I've dropped a total of 40 lbs in 4 months. I'm actually ecstatic about it. When we compare ourselves to others, we will feel let down. Everyone loses differently. Everyone is at different BMI's to start with. The higher the BMI to start with, the faster the weight seems to drop. My surgeon assured me that my BMI not being the highest would move slower but that I'm right where I need to be.
You are doing AWESOME. It's Not over! Not even close! Keep doing the right things: getting in your fluid, your protein, avoiding starchy carbs as much as possible, and exercising! It's gonna happen! It has to!
I'm rooting for you and know you will meet your goal. Take care and thanks for posting!
Do you attend the support group meetings? I have been to 3 so far they are interesting & I was surprised to find out that Dr. G attends too!!!! That was comforting to learn that he does care, not that I could not tell that already :)
Take Care,
Are you in Lafayette? I was at Dr. G's Monday too! lol We oughta meet up. Are u one of the ones who tried to plan the lunch/dinner thing a while back? I can't remember now who did that. Maybe we can meet up one day.
Oh and yes I went to the support group meeting for the first time last week. Have a great week!
Take Care,