Everyone's losing so much...how did you...
Perhaps we should start with "what are you doing?" how much did you start at?
My start weight was 349, I lost 25 pounds before surgery and 35 in the last 7 weeks.
I don't know if you think that is so great or not, but my Dr. has me doing this:
No carbs, Exercise 1 hr a day (If I actually did it all, I would have lost more by now), Drink 80 oz of water, Vitamins, One protein shake, eat 2 times at least 6 hours apart (I can eat about 2/3 cup or less), I can also have a nibble or two of cooked veggies.
My doc says don't count protein, fats or calories. He says most of us have enough stored fat for 6 months.
That's it in a nut shell. Each of these docs has such a variance on their plans.
Let me know what you are doing.

Im a SERIOUS label reader. And I count the number of carbs I eat EVERYDAY! Like today for instance, I have only had 19 g of carbs and I had breakfast, lunch and a snack...its not hard.

I have found through the years that carbs are not my friend. Let me be clear. I can eat all the carbs from veggie sources I want and I am fine. But, things like potatoes and "white"foods and fruit, stop my weight loss and add pounds to me.
For me, if I followed your surgon's program I would not lose or lose very little.
I know that I get under 20 carbs a day, and those are coming from cheese and veggies mostly.
There are rare occasions that I will get carbs from maranara sauce or some other dipping sauce I use to moisten my food.
Tonight I am going to "splurge" by making pizza on low carb tortillias. A whole tortilla has 8 carbs and I doubt seriously that I will be able to eat a whole "pizza".
I am very happy with the way I am instructed to eat, not much to count. I don't have to stress over food. Now water, that's another story!