Just back from my endoscopy (just over 3 weeks post op)
Well the other day I thought that food was feeling really stuck but I was not vomiting. So I thought that it might be just me and I was eating too fast or not chewing good enough. After a day or so of that I decided to call the doctor. He suggested I try full liquids to see how it went and they still felt a little stuck so I was scheduled for an endoscopy this morning to see if I had a stricture.
It wasn't really that bad. It turned out I did have a stricture. I was at 8 and dialated it to 15. I am on popsicles and ice chips today, stage 1 tomorrow, stage 2 the day after that then I can get back slowly to what I was eating.
So all in all not that big of a deal. Anyone else have a stricture or think they are experiencing symptoms?
Since you are already familiar with it and have been dilated before I would think you can totally handle it and it shouldn't pose any serious problems. But to be honest I really have no idea. I know that from what it sounds mine was caught early enough that I didn't suffer any kind of dehydration. So it can be very terrible.
I hope that you don't have any big problems with it. Sorry I couldn't be of much help.