My surgery is Nov. 4th and I'm getting a sore throat. I went and purchased some chewable vitamin C and it helped it immediately. Chicken broth and rest. Hang in there!!!
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Psalm 139: 13
“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.?
My surgery is on the 6Th and I had my pre op yesterday. I woke up yesterday with a bad sore throat. And the Doctor also commented on how red my throat looked. The good news is that I passed my preop blood work. I read that drinking 1- t apple cider vinegar, 1 -t lemon with ho****er and a dash of cayenne pepper should help. So I have been doing that and it seems to be helping the sore throat anyway. If nothing else it numbs it. But be prepared it does not taste very good. I think I will be OK because I have 5 more days and today seems a little better than yesterday.
Good Luck!
Good Luck!