November 10th...52 days away!
Hi everyone. My name's Jeanie and I'm having lap DS surgery on 11/10. My sister is 9 months out and has lost just about 100 pounds. She looks and feels wonderful. What is everyone doing to mentally prepare themselves? I'm going through some grief right now (lost my mom to cancer on July 27th) and haven't been spending much time thinking about myself or the upcoming surgery. Any thoughts??

243 / 168 / 155.
IMY DS (DS also stands for Dark Snickers)
Hi Jeanie! Well I am very sorry to hear about you losing your mom.
Congrats on a surgery date though. My mental preparation so far has been baby steps. I stopped smoking a few weeks ago. I have cut back on what I eat now and the cravings are still there. I am just trying to tell myself that I am doing this for me and it will only help me but you know it is what I am most afraid of. I am planning on joining a support group but my surgeons office if very far from my house and haven't gone yet. I am thinking about trying overeaters anonymous but I have honestly not done much.
Congrats on a surgery date though. My mental preparation so far has been baby steps. I stopped smoking a few weeks ago. I have cut back on what I eat now and the cravings are still there. I am just trying to tell myself that I am doing this for me and it will only help me but you know it is what I am most afraid of. I am planning on joining a support group but my surgeons office if very far from my house and haven't gone yet. I am thinking about trying overeaters anonymous but I have honestly not done much.
That is really great to hear that someone was happy with thier OA experience because there are OA meetings not too far from my house. My surgeon is very nice and he told me that he wasn't even worried if I gained weight from now till surgery and honestly that alone helped so much. Eating is such a mental thing for me knowing that I have the freedoms right now stops any cravings I may have. I haven't been overeating at all lately. However during the several week wait till approval and then surgery date I gained 10 pounds. Right now I am more or less saying goodbye to some foods. Even though I am not going through any kind of real therapy I have been talking a lot with my family, real life friends and the friends I have met online. One key for me has always been to not allow myself to overthink things.
I hope that you are healing from the loss of your mother though. I actually know of a messageboard for women that have lost a parent or mother I can't remember exactly but if you are curious about it I will PM you the link.
I hope that you are healing from the loss of your mother though. I actually know of a messageboard for women that have lost a parent or mother I can't remember exactly but if you are curious about it I will PM you the link.
Hey jeani,So sorry to hear about your mom, I lost my grandma to cancer in March! my surgery is Nov 3. Preparing well....I have started to eat less, using a small plate and smaller utensils so I dont jsut shovel it in my mouth LOL.I always tell myself that I am doing this for me to be healthy and live a longer life. I seem to be always going through the pros and cons, but my pros always out weigh the cons!!
I have a great support group in my family and friends so its made it easy!
I would love to join a support group I jsut need to find one close to my area. Im about 1.5 from Sarnia. SUXs!
Take care everyone!

I have a great support group in my family and friends so its made it easy!
I would love to join a support group I jsut need to find one close to my area. Im about 1.5 from Sarnia. SUXs!
Take care everyone!
Hi, Jeanie! Congratulations on your date! I too just received a tentative date and I am even excited abou that!
I am sorry about the loss of your mother! I really cannot imagine! Prayers with you and your family!

444.5 / 430.2 / 408.2 / 299.8 / 244.5 / 249 / 225
Highest / 07-11-08 / 11-25-08 / 06-07-09 / 03-25-10 / 01-31-11 / STG
444.5 / 430.2 / 408.2 / 299.8 / 244.5 / 249 / 225
Highest / 07-11-08 / 11-25-08 / 06-07-09 / 03-25-10 / 01-31-11 / STG