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Topic: RE: Surgery Date 11/20/07
Hi Nancy,
Actually I'm not having the procedure done in the States. I'm heading for Ensenada Mexico. Take a look at my profile, I talk about it on there in my blogs.
Maybe we can keep track of each other. I am starting the liquid diet in a week and half. My doc says 10 days pre-op diet. But right now, I am lowering carbs, so I won't be craving. Guess I'm doing the Atkins for now.
Topic: my surgeons pre op... I lost 12 pounds in one week on liquids
hello all Nov buddy's , I wanted to share my vist today, I felt like jumping up and down I have been on liquids now for a week and one more to go. I have lost 12 pounds on it I had my pre phy. with my reg dr last week and I was at 285 I wieghed today and I'm down to 273 The liquids have been a little tough but I'm so happy I stuck to it and didn't cheat.. 12 pounds To COOL
Topic: RE: almost 3 yrs. old timer here for you???
Hello Lou ann, Thank-you first off Its so nice to talk with someone that has been through all of this already. well I would like to ask a few questions about surgery and such I went to my pre op today and I had heard from pt's of my dr that he is excelent as a surgeon but his bed side manner is not so good well I ask a few questions today but it was one of his last appointments and all he looked like he had been in surgery all day so I'm guessing he was tired also. He made me feel strange about asking the questions, so maybe you can help. I will be having surgery on the 7th of Nov at 7:30 in the morning Oh I'm having an open RNY and the Dr does a lot of lap bands so an open was not what he wanted me to do but insurance will only pay for open . so he kind of got upset that I ask him to do one I don't know it may be me over thinking. maybe he is upset with insurance companys any how. I did lose 12 pounds on my liquids so far.
well I was going to ask, to clean ones self after surgery did you use a spay bottle like you use after having a baby?
2. what type of food did you try for your starch ? I hear bread and all gets stuck and the nutritionist told us to not try anything that can be formed in your hand if you were to shut your hand . I know it will be a while before I have to worry about it . well I have more questions but I can't think, Our day started at 3:30 in the morning so I'm off to bed take care Cathy
Topic: almost 3 yrs. old timer here for you???
I had my surgery almost three years ago in January of 2005. My husband had it 7 months later. We are both happy and healthy. I am 5'8" and I went from a size 28 to a size 16(if I would get up off my butt and exercize, I would be a size 12! But I digress....)
I am here to offer my support and answer any questions you may have. This board was my lifeline for the first year post op. I want to return the favor.
I will talk about anything; bowl movements, pain, cleaning oneself after surgery, scars, medicines, recipes, sex,...etc. No topic is too sensitive. Just ask.
Good luck in advance to all of you on your upcoming surgeries and remember the big 5 rules:
1. Put a pillow on your tummy to cough
2. Take mouth swabs to wet your mouth after surgery
3. Walk as much as you can stand it. It really does speed the healing.
4. If there is a problem in the hospital....Complain!!!!The squeeky wheel gets the grease.
5. Don't hit the morphine pump too much or you will have constipation like you would not believe!!
Get ready for some fabulous comments, whistles, pinched butts, and admiring glances.
Enjoy trying on clothes in a store with no plus sizes. I kissed my diabetes meds. goodbye after a month!! I can see my toes again! I have ribs and collar bones!!
So many wonders await you!

Topic: RE: LAPBAND Nov 5th Can we talk?
It looks like we will be sharing a birthday. My surgery is Nov. 5th also. I will be having mine in Wichita, Ks. I feel the same way in five more days I will start a new journey in my life. I had to do a two week fast. It has not been bad, but I have cheated. I told myself I would be good this week. I did loss 5.5 pounds but she said it should have been 8 to 10 pounds, my only saving grace is that I had already loss 13 pounds going thru their program. I was told to loss 5 to 10% before the surgery. Let keep in touch and share the good and bad. I know we will make it to the other side.
Take care and I pray your surgery goes well.
Topic: RE: Surgery Date 11/20/07
Hi, Jen - I'm a week after you. I'm having lap RNY on 11/27/07 in Federal Way. When do you have to start your pre-op diet? I'm heading to the surgeon's nutrition class tomorrow so will find out more then, but they told me to start on a bunch of vitamins and protein drinks ASAP so I started that yesterday. Should be an interesting journey! Good luck with your surgery! I have a friend in Vancouver who had lap RNY on 9/5/07 at Good Sam/Legacy in Portland. Are you having surgery in Portland or in Vancouver?
Topic: RE: MY date of Nov. 5
Oh man now we're triplets!!! I think there is a few more us Nov. 5 ppl here thoough!!!
Yeah US!!!
Topic: RE: November 2 surgery date!
Me, hopefully. I haven't been able to finance my surgeon's post-op program fee, so I'll find out in an hour or so if I can do it without.