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Topic: RE: Surgery in 4 days!!
Hello I have my open RNY on the 7th so I understand your concerns, But sometime I wish mine was tommorrow because this waiting is crazy.. gl on your journey take care. Cathy
RNY on 06/26/13
Topic: RE: Surgery on Nov. 13
Hi Maria,
I completely understand where you are coming from with the mixture of emotions.
My LapBand surgery is on Nov 20th. I am going to try your technique of one piece at a time, rather than the entire process as a whole, because that is overwhelming. Good luck to you, you will be in my thoughts and prayers on the 13th!

Topic: RE: Liquid Diet Progress?
OMG! Yes! I had a super hard time last night when my daughter came home with Halloween candy and there were Butterfingers and Snickers, OH MY! I had planned ahead however and decided that I would make sure all of her candy was still sealed with my husband there (so I woudn't slip), and allowed myself 1 peanut butter cup. I know what you are thinking, I know....but I have lost 11 POUNDS in a week on my pre-op liquid diet, and knew that this was it for me and my love affair with candy. So, I ate it, it was delicious, and that was that. I didn't even come close to having another, now I have my surgery to look forward to in a week!! YAHOO!!

Topic: Surgery on Nov. 13
My surgery has been moved up for 11/21 to 11/13 so I need to start my liquid diet today. When the doctor's office called to tell me it would be sooner, I welled up with tears. It hit me that I am really doing this. I have no doubt in my mind that I am ready for this, with all the other times I dieted & failed. I worry about complications & worse, especially that I am a single parent with a beautiful 7 yr old. So--here I am kicking into liquids. I am sure the next 2 weeks will be quite a challenge, but for any & all of us who are this point, we all know how to diet and that is how I am looking at it. I am on another diet....for two weeks.....Small steps...then I will think about surgery...then each phase of eating after.
For those who worry about not eating certain foods, All I have to say is "I've been enjoying my foods for a long time" now its time to enjoy ME.
Topic: RE: almost 3 yrs. old timer here for you???
Cathy Wrote:
2. what type of food did you try for your starch ? I hear bread and all gets stuck and the nutritionist told us to not try anything that can be formed in your hand if you were to shut your hand . I know it will be a while before I have to worry about it .
I'm still a pre-op like you, but maybe I can answer this question for you.
At first you won't be eating any starch foods (bread, rice, pasta, etc.) because you'll be focusing strictly on protein. Slowly you'll add some carbs to your diet in the forms of fruits and veggies ... but it'll be a while before you'll try bread and rice. Carbs will slow your weight loss, so you want to stay away for as long as possible.
As for the consistency of bread ... yes, the squeeze test would probably work. But also think about what happens to those types of foods when they have water added. Rice will plump up and swell, so will pasta. Bread will swell up and form a big ball of doughy yuckiness. So whatever will happen to those foods in plain water will also happen in your pouch. So 1 bite of bread might actually swell up to be the same as 4 or 5 bites.
We'll learn all this together.....
Topic: RE: My RNY surgery date is 11/12, anyone else?
My surgery is on Nov 12 as well! I'm nervous and excited too! It is alot to handle mentally!!
I just can't wait to feel like me again! I has been lost for so long in a food driven haze that I can't wait to just be FREE!! I wish everyone having surgery the best of luck and speedy recovery! Sincerely Linda C from Ca :)
Topic: I'm scheduled for Nov 12 2007 at 7:30am :)~
I'm so excited yet scared. I love this web page. I found it to be very useful as well as comforting! Thanks everyone for all of your posts! I wish everyone good luck and heres to our new life!! :beer:
Topic: RE: Not one of you anymore
Thanks for your response Rebecca. I'm already on a prescription iron pill. I asked about added more to what I'm taking but was told not to because of absorption. I guess they may think that I may have absorption problems. I do make sure that I take my iron with extra Vitamin C to help with that. Oh well, I'll see on Friday.
The best luck with surgery. I hope your journey is successful.

Topic: RE: November Surgery Date Support
Congrats on your surgery tomorrow!!
I'm really excited for you. You will do great and we all will go on this journey together to a whole new life. My date is on November 28th and I'm waiting patiently. Look out world..Sue is on the losers bench!!
Let's stay in touch so you can tell me the in's and out's.