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Topic: RE: Surgery on Nov. 13
My surgery is on the 13th to. I'm getting so excited!!!! Best wishes and God bless!!
Topic: RE: New here... Have Kaiser in Northern cal.
Hi Pam,
thanks for the help.... I was just hoping someone could tell me if they got it in No. cal its funny I know southern cal Kaiser does it. But Northern cal doesn't..... Oh well I will wait till my orentation and see what they say.
Thank you,
Topic: RE: New here... Have Kaiser in Northern cal.
Hi Annie,
South San Fran... not sure if that is richmond or not....
Topic: RE: November 15th!! VSG
Kate -
LOL! you've got a cute doctor too? Mine is somewhat handsome in that meditrranean type of way. (Don't actually know what nationality he is!)
Congrats on getting the VSG.... I was just reading a study on some medical-journal website about that type of surgery showing the highest success rate for losing excess weight and keeping it off. Just be sure you are faithful with your supplements. I'm having the RNY since my insurance wouldn't cover the other.
My surgery is on the 13th ... so you'll be right behind me.
Topic: RE: I'm scheduled for Nov 12 2007 at 7:30am :)~
9 more days girl! You'll hit the losers bench 1 day before me.
Funny story about Nov 12 I gotta share... All along I've been planning to work up until the day before my surgery, so I was going to work on Monday the 12th. Filled out all my short term disability paperwork to reflect that, requested time off with that in mind... everything. Then I flipped the calendar up to November this morning (I know, 1 day late) and saw that we have November 12th off work for Veteran's Day. Yippee!!! I'll have the day before surgery off work! So I'll be thinking about you as I sleep in and laze around all day.

Topic: RE: Surgery on Nov. 13
Maria -
I'm also on the 13th and doing the liquid diet right now. The first 3 days were the hardest, but then my body seems to be adjusting to the new eating. And I've lost 6 pounds in 5 days, so I can't complain too much.
I agree with your thoughts on small steps. I've been doing a TON of research on vitamins and supplements ... and my digestive system and where different vitamins are absorbed within my small intestine and what won't get absorbed after surgery ... and figuring out which vitamins and supplements I need to buy based on which is best and most cost effective.... Yep - keeping my mind busy so I don't worry about complications. I've learned more about supplements in the past 2 weeks than I did while I was researching the whole surgery. Amazing stuff.
Anyway... we're going to do great with this surgery. We're going to rock November 13th!
Topic: RE: Surgery in 4 days!!
LOL! I know how you feel. I was looking up Maid Services earlier this week thinking that I never will have time to get this house cleaned PLUS all the other stuff I want to get done before surgery. But last night I spend about 45 minutes on the house and made a huge dent in the list. I'm trying to get all the heavy lifting / organization / purging stuff done before surgery because I know I'll be on a 5 pound lifting limit for 6 weeks afterward.
Gee, you'd think I just found out I was having surgery or something .... it's not like I've been fighting for this for 18 months. Why on earth do I feel compelled to clean out the storage room now?! hehehe
Don't worry ... things will get done and what doesn't get done didn't need to be done. Just focus on your health and the surgery.
Topic: RE: My date is Nov 8th.....
Hi Paula -
The 8th is right around the corner! Are you getting excited? What type of pre-op diet are you on ... how's it going?
My surgery is on the 13th, so I'll be right behind you....
Topic: RE: New here... Have Kaiser in Northern cal.
Shannon -
I don't have that type of insurance, but wanted to wish you the best of luck with your approval process. Have you called the number on the back of your insurance card and asked if the surgery is covered? Sometimes it helps to get the "procedure codes" from your surgeon's office first so you know you're asking the right questions.
Also, you might want to check out the Insurance Forum here on OH... they've got a lot of really great people over there with lots of knowledge about navigating the insurance process.
Good luck,
Topic: RE: November 1 Surgery--Home in 26 hours
Holy Camoly Jan! You got home so fast!!! Glad you're feeling good and not in much pain. Guess that tells the rest of us that we need to sip sip sip and walk walk walk so we can get home fast fast fast!
Hope the sleeping problems go away soon though.
Keep us posted on your progress.