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Topic: OMG Monday is almost here!!!
OMG I can't beleive that my surgery is on monday!! I've been reading everyones posts about how they are going to miss food and suprisingly I haven't really had anything like that run through my mind at this point and time I have started to get nervous and I don't really want to show it to my fiance cause he is already nervous about things. (He supports me he's just nervous because of the SURGERY part) I went shopping today and got everything that I needed for eating wise and I think I went a little over board on some things (guess that linked into the Lap RNY nesting syndrome {you know the nesting syndrome for pregnant women} that I was talking about) I've been wanting to clean house and make sure everything is in order but it's kinda hard because of my back (L-5 vertabrea is fractured in two spots and the disk below is deteriorated) I went for my first set of back injections yesterday and all that did was hurt even worse and my pain is now even worse than what it was......Man I feel like I'm babbling but I guess that's how you can tell I'm getting nervous about things. I know everything will be okay but still it is surgery.....NERVOUS NERVOUS NERVOUS!!!
I guess I'm done babbling for now
thanks for reading(LOL)
Topic: RE: November Surgery Date Support
Hello! My surgery is November 19th! I figure the more support we can get the better! Accountability is the key. By the time you get this you will already be on the Loser's Bench! Good for you! You are going to do great and it's perfectly normal to be experiencing a wide range of emotions....I know I am. Talk to you soon!

Topic: RE: I'm scheduled for Nov 12 2007 at 7:30am :)~
Hey...I have surgery Nov. 12th. I don't have all the details yet I go for pre-op on Mon. Nov.5th.
I'm not on a liquid diet and others that are schedule are so I'm worried.
Good luck and I'll keep you in my prayers.
Topic: RE: Surgery on Nov. 13
I'm scheduled for surgery on Nov. 12, but they haven't told me to be on liquids. I'm worried about that...
Topic: RE: November 15th!! VSG
I'm scheduled for the 15th too. Do you feel like you are prepared? I've only bought a few of the protein drinks. I haven't tried them yet. I'm supposed to start taking two showers a day starting a week before the surgery. We are supposed to use Dial or another anti-bacterial soap and pay special attention to the abdomen. Sounded a little strange to me, but I'll do it.
I did buy some Magnesium Citrate for the bowel cleanse. My sister has Crohn's Disease (scarring in her large intestine) and has gone through a lot of bowel preps. Apparently, this is the best/most tolerable one. Doesn't taste like Sprite, like they claim though.
I've got a hospital pre-op appointment on Monday. I've got to have another chest x-ray and blood work.
I'm expected to be in the hospital until Saturday afternoon.
My doctor is Mary Estakhri at Valley Care Hospital in Pleasanton, CA.
Topic: RE: November 1 Surgery--Home in 26 hours
That's great, Jan!! Keep up the good work with the sipping and walking...
I'm so glad to hear that your surgery went well and that you were home so quickly. I have the same surgery with Dr. Oh on 11/27 and was hoping to be home after just one night in the hospital. Your post gives me hope!
I'd enjoy hearing how you are doing through all this. Take care!