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Topic: Lapband Surgery on 20th
I will be having Lapband Surgery on November 20 in Kingsport, TN.
I am still in shock. I just got my date yesterday. I guess it will really set in when I start my pre-op diet on Monday.
Good luck to all of the November Surgeries!!!!
Topic: RE: OMG Monday is almost here!!!
Just wanted to say thank you my surgery is at 11a.m. on monday but I have to be at the hospital at 9 am and I'm excited to be on the losers bench and that actualy meaning a good thing I'm been part of the "Loser's" crowed for the longest time and I don't mean the good losers Thanks for your words of incoragement it means a lot to me

Topic: RE: Surgery date Nov.16/07 with Dr. Hagen
Were are you having your surgery?? I am starting my liquid diet Monday and not looking forward to it at all.....
I have heard horror stories on this...
Excited, scared nervous u name it I am..

Topic: Surgery Nov 12th
My surgery is 11/12. I am excited but very nervous. I just want to get it over with and start my new life. My birthday is 11/14 and hopefully I'll get a b-day present of coming home from the hospital healthy!!!!!!

Topic: Surgery fee question
Is there any help out there to help pay the surgeon's office fee? Can I please get some feed back and/or advice?
(deactivated member)
on 11/3/07 12:15 pm
on 11/3/07 12:15 pm
Topic: RE: my surgeons pre op... I lost 12 pounds in one week on liquids
I just started mine today....I am a little disappointed in how HUNGRY (emotionally) I was. Today I had 3 ultra slim fasts, 1 cup chicken broth, 1 cup tomato soup, 1 cup mushroom soup and water........
(deactivated member)
on 11/3/07 12:11 pm
on 11/3/07 12:11 pm
Topic: RE: Surgery date Nov.16/07 with Dr. Hagen
My surgery is Nov 16th too! I am getting super excited. Do you have to do a liquid diet pre-op?? I just started mine today.....and I'm uber hungry
Are you getting prepared??

Topic: RE: OMG Monday is almost here!!!
Wow - that's GREAT! In just 48 hours or so it will all be over and you'll be on your way to getting that weight off. I'm very excited for you!! The surgery part is scary for some of our families, but the end result will be fabulous! That's too bad about the back injection not working for you. Maybe the shot will kick in later and you'll feel better... Well, best of luck on Monday! Take care.....
Topic: RE: NOV. 26TH
That's great!! I'll be just a day after you. I'm scheduled for 11/27. Do you have a pre-op diet to get ready for? I have a two week clear liquid diet before surgery. This is a very exciting time! I'm very happy for you...
Topic: ....Let the journey begin....
Oh my god!!...I cannot believe that my surgery date is coming up soon.....I just need some good feedback about the whole process!!!!
My surgery date is Nov 14, 07!!!!
I am thrilled, excited and nervous....all in one!!!!