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Topic: RE: one week!
Hi Kyra,
Good luck on your surgery. I am considering the Lap Band but don't have my orientation until the 12th. I can't wait to learn more. Do the doctors decide what is best for each person or does the person totally get to decide which operation they want. May I ask why you chose RNY?
Topic: one week!
I am going in in one week (well.. I suppose it's 7 and a half days) I can't believe it's actually happening! I'm also thrilled to have the surgery so I never have to drink another optifast again in my entire life! haha. I am down 25 lbs right now from my highest weight and I am very very excited to keep the scale going down. I actually got to get rid of my first pair of jeans today because they don't fit anymore (they were TOO BIG!) and know that I don't have to keep them around because they will never ever fit me again! I am very happy!
Topic: RE: Liquid Diet Progress?
Ugh.. my liquid diet is only shakes, no food and only water and teas with nothing in it... It's death and the shakes are sweetened with aspartame which gives me wicked migraines and nausea. BUT that means I have finished a week of them and only one more wee****il surgery. ALSO I have already lost 15 lbs in the last 7 days, so that's pretty freaking sweet!!!!!!
Topic: November 21 here I come!!!!
My date is November 21 !!!
17 more days and my new journey begins. A healthier and exicitng page to my life.
I cant wait to be able to do more things with the grandchildren this winter and be able to breathe doing them.
Any one else on this day?
Topic: RE: OMG Monday is almost here!!!
LOL! I thought I was the only one experiencing "nesting syndrom"! Seriously, just about every closet, drawer and cabinet has been organized and cleaned out now...and yes, the pantry is stocked with broth, protein powder and jello!
I go in on's finely starting to sink in and I'm feeling those tinglings of anxiousness or anticipation or's like when I have to get up and speak in front of people...I know it will be fine, but just ready to get started!
My prayers are with you (and the rest of us November surgeries!)
Topic: RE: ....Let the journey begin....
Well, I can't give you any personal feedback on the actual surgery as I haven't been through it yet (scheduled for 11/27) but what I can say is just remember why you decided to have WLS. I suspect some of your reasons are similar to mine - get healthy, feel better, be able to enjoy trips (like to NYC) without getting winded or tired so easily... Once you get to the hospital I'm sure things will go so quickly that you won't have time to worry about it. And then when you wake up, it will be over and you'll be that much further on the road to that thinner, healthier you!! I do think the whole range of emotions is normal - this is a huge step! But the end result will be great! Hang in there!! Send me a personal message if you want to chat more as I'd be more than happy to do that. Take care and let me know how things go for you!
Topic: RE: The 8th
Congratulations, Paula!! I can identify with wanting to be in a hurry on this. I'm the same way - when I get my mind made up, I just want it to happen. But your date is just around the corner so the wait will be worth it!
It's great that you have a supportive husband and sister with you - that can make such a difference. Good luck on the 8th - I'm sure everything will go well. Take care....................Nancy

Topic: RE: OMG Monday is almost here!!!
Angela best of luck tomorrow.I know we will all do fine.I have to be @ my hgospital at 5:45 am ugh so I guess mine will start by 8:00.I'll meet ya on the bench hugs
Topic: The 8th
My date is set for the 8th of Nov. It seems like it has been forever. But with the support of my husband Steve and my sister Deb I have made it. I know it has not been easy on them since I can be alittle bit in a hurry (at times). I am really lucky to have them.
Topic: RE: Surgery date Nov.16/07 with Dr. Hagen
I am having surgery on the 16th. I am starting my liquid diet on monday. I am so excited as the day gets closer.