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Topic: RE: Poetic Justice~ Surgery on my birthday Nov. 13/07
Hi, congrats to you!
I am also scheduled for November 13th, and my birthday is the 14th.
Happy Birthdays to both of us!!

Topic: November 26, Indianapolis, IN is my surgery date
I will be having surgery Monday; November 26, 2007 @ noon at Clarian Hospital North in Carmel, IN. My current BMI is 72. Is there anyone else that has a BMI that high?
Topic: Protein?
Hi everyone! I am scheduled for sx on November 2nd. I am trying to come up with a good way to get protein in after surgery. They want me to have at least 60g per day. I am trying to figure out a liquid form that wouldn't be to nasty. Any ideas?
Thanks! And congrats to everyone!
Topic: RE: Poetic Justice~ Surgery on my birthday Nov. 13/07
thats great .. my RNY is 10 days before my Birthday ..
good luck with everything .. that'll be an extra extra special day for you now

Topic: RE: November 28th Surgery date!!!
i'm actually the day before you -- i'm a computer nerd, so if i can smuggle in my laptop i'll try to give you my experience that evening as to how things went! hooray for the late november crew!
Topic: RE: Anyone in S. Jersey w/ RNY in Nov?
hey - i'm in philly and my date's 11/27 (i know, right after thanksgiving haha!) and i used to live in north jersey - family still in bergen county
we can be loser pals!

Topic: RE: An encouraging post about pre-op weight loss
I would not put myself and my family through all of this if I was concerned that I might cheat. I'm down 15, but am aiming for another 10, prior to surgery, particularly with the 2 weeks pre-op diet. It's not 10%, but it's something.
Topic: RE: November 28th Surgery date!!!
Yea!!! We're going to do take this journey together!! I'm so excited for you and me!!! I don't know about you but I can't wait. Just think, this time next year, we'll be the Biggest Loser and didn't have to be on the show!!
Topic: RE: November 7th coming soon!
Hello ALL I'm Nov 7th also but Not on liquids until the 24th but not optiafast just liquids but I was told whey helps to shrink your liver, I'm going to get some this weekend I have actually gained wgt due to a knee injury?surgery on it on the 5th of oct and not being able to move very well for another week(No wgt bearing) before i can put pressure on my Right knee it hurts! But I'm soo excited to get the ball rolling on this surgery.. gl all