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Topic: RE: One more week to LapBand! New Jersey
Hi Eileen:
Congratulations on your date ... it is right around the corner. I'll be starting my liquid diet on the day of your surgery - definitely not looking forward to that part of my journey.
I'm scheduled for RNY on November 13th.
Topic: RE: November 28th in GA??
Hi Trubiano:
Michigan isn't very close to Georgia, but I was there once. In fact, my car broke down in Forsyth as we were driving through on the way to Florida. So my car actually spent more time in GA than I did. LOL!
We might not all live close to each other, but with this message board and the internet, we're just a click away.

Topic: RE: November 9th!!!
Elizabeth -
November 9th is coming very fast and you'll be on your way before you know it. Congratulations on getting your date!!
Topic: RE: hello november mates!
Congratulations Lisa! The time is going to fly for us all. You'll be right behind me - I've got surgery on November 13th.
Topic: RE: Surgery postponed...
Hi Judith,
Time will go quickly for you. We are surgery buddies, I have the same date.
Best Wishes for a speedy recovery!!
Judy C
Topic: RE: November 26, Indianapolis, IN is my surgery date
Hi Melissa,
We are surgery buddies!! My date is November 26 also.
I wish our time goes quick and we recover even quicker.
Best Wishes,
Topic: RE: HAppy my date is here!!:thumbsup:
Congratuations!!! I so happy for you!! I know you're excited!!
Best wishes!!
MY surgery date is 11/26/07, i'm so excited!!
My surgeon said if I was deligent in getting all my appointments in, I could
have surgery in 2 months, i was thinking yeah right!
I started my journey 9/5, all my clearances will be finished 10/31
and i was able to pick my surgery date!!!