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Topic: Roux-en Y on Nov. 5
My date is slowly approching I am hungry. It's only been 2 days of liquid diet but I have had to turn off the TV b/c of the all of the food that gets blasted at you. Eleven days till my surgery and I get so excited that I have to remind myself to breathe. I'm worried about my Lupus and what it will do after the surgery. Anyone else with a pre-exisiting chronic condition?
Topic: RE: EXCITED!!! SURGERY DATE 11/20/07
My date is 11/5, sooner than yours but still itching to get it done. I'm in New Orleans but I used to live in TN. I miss it. Are you on protein/liquid yet?
Topic: RE: Hi surgery Nov 19th ???
Hi again
I am having surgery on Nov 19th in Mass at the Newton Wellesley Hospital. Let share together the journey...
Good Luck
Megan W butch074
Topic: RE: Surgery scheduled November 19th
I agree
Let celebrate in style.. Let say we get together on Thanksgiving day if You going to your families, I said I am not going to my inlaws.. I probably be home recovery from surgery and be online as much as I can with my water and my protein shake so let say we make a date!
I wonder protein turkey it is just a dream...LOL
Talk ya later
Megan W butch074
Topic: RE: I have a surgery date!
I also have surgery same day Nov 19th Good Luck... We will pair up and share the journey together...
Good luck..
Megan W butch074
Topic: RE: Anyone else getting super excited??? (Nov 7 surgery date)
I'm starting to get excited, but I'll be more excited once the house is in order and the checkbook is balanced. I'm excited to catch up on movies, as I'm going to upgrade my Netflix list to the max # of movies at a time, in an attempt to avoid commercial television (and food ads) while I'm healing.
I've already arranged childcare/transport and some playdates for them the weekend after. My mom will attend the school's Thanksgiving Lunch in my stead. And, I just sent an Evite for a prayer service at my house the night before.
I start my pre-op diet on Monday. I'm not THAT excited.
Topic: RE: November 9th!!!
I am November 9th, too! Have you started a pre-op diet, or does your surgeon require that? We are 16 days away...YAHOO!

Topic: RE: well hello there!
Thanks for the reply Pam!
I have felt so spacey at work for the past couple of days, because my whole world right now is so centered around this. i even dream about it and see cute clothes that I will get to wear..I feel like I am going nuts here!!
I also hope we can all get to know each other more, we are walking so blindly into this wonderful thing, we gotta have our buddies to help walk us through it all! 

Topic: RE: Anyone else getting super excited??? (Nov 7 surgery date)
I just read your post and it made me laugh, we sound like the same person! I jsut finished day 2 of the liquid diet...4 days earlier than I needed to, just to get a grip on my anxiety over the whole thing! I hate this wait, I just want to get the surgery over with so I can begin losing and joining the losers bench. What did you think of the pre-op diet? I am on liquids only, and although it is hard, it is not as bad as I thought it would be. Our surgery dates are only 2 days apart! I am Nov. 9.