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Topic: RE: November Surgery Date Support
Hi Sue,
I'm also scheduled for Nov. 1st! I'm very scared along with my husband, kids and friends so I can't even really talk to them about it. I'm also very excited about starting my new life. Anyway, I'm sure things will turn out well for the both of us. Please keep in touch and let me know how things go for you. Can I add you to my list of friends (currently 1 ;o)?
RNY on 06/26/13
Topic: RE: EXCITED!!! SURGERY DATE 11/20/07
I know, but don't worry, the date will sneak up on us soon enough!

RNY on 06/26/13
Topic: RE: Any November LapBanders Out there?
Hi Lisa,
Well we are having our surgeries just one day apart, so this is definitely a very exciting and nervious time for the both of us! I actually just began researching the LapBand the first week of August and went to an informational session two days later and met with the surgeon two days later. I am very happy with my surgeon he is a part of a group, there are three of them, and I felt that they were very thorough. I had a friend who had had gastric around seven years ago and I had seen what a transformation she went through, but I honestly never thought of doing it myself, I thought I could do it on my own.
After getting married last year, I lost like 35 pounds and regained them and then some. I am (according to what I was told a pre-op psych eval)what is known as a professional dieter...ouch!!!
My parents are not supportive of my decision, but my husband is extremely supportive, he wants my happiness and would like to avoid any complications during my pregnancy seeing as we would like to start on a family in another year or two.
How about you? Tell me about yourself and what made you pick the LapBand?

Topic: Surgery date changed
Saw my surgeon yesterday and he moved my date from the 19th to the 14th!!!! woo hoo. Anyone else have the same date?
Topic: November Surgery Date Support
I am scheduled for surgery on Nov. 1st, Anyone from the Nov. surgery date message board that would like to keep in touch, please contact me... I am so excited, nervous, even a little scared... It would be great to have someone to chat with who may be going thru the same things as I am. Or even before or aftr the date... sometimes having someone to commiserate with is the best.. Good Luck to everyone... Sue

Topic: RE: liquid diet pre op?
Hi all...
I was going to post the same question... Liquid Diet prior to surgery? I am scheduled for Nov. 1st, and have started a liquid protein diet this past Thursday. We have a list of protein products that we can use, I believe they all have to be clear liquids. I am drinking ISO-Pure (ready to drink) from the Vitamin Store and GNC. The cost is about $3.50 a 20 oz. bottle. I also can drink Cyto-pure... the Watermelon is my favorite and Grape Ice is my favorite for Iso-pure. They are 0 Carb, 0 Fat.
Anyway, we have to have at least 3 drinks a day up to as many as we want. I can also drink Crystal light Iced Tea and of course water. I'm supposed to get in at least 64 oz. of water each day. Thats kind of hard, because I drink the protein drinks, (i do add some water to them because the flavors are very strong (thick) sometimes).
I have heard of some people who said they had to do liquids for 2 weeks prior to surgery. But I look at it this way...
#1: this is what the first few weeks post-op will be like, although I know we won't really feel like drinking anything or just taking sips.
#2 It's not like I will NEVER be able to EAT again. It is just temporary, but it does suck (sorry) when your kid comes in with pizza, or fast food and still is a size 0!
#3 I am doing this for no one but myself, and I am worth it!
But all the same, It would be nice to have someone to commiserate with...
Good luck Cathy-
I will be pulling for you on the 7th. Hopefully I willl be out of the hospital and home by then. Lets keep in touch since our dates are so close to each others... anyone else too. Please lets support our other November Surgery Dates....
Sue from Chgo

Topic: RE: November 7 is my date.
Hi Tabbatha! You're in good company with the Nov. 7th surgery date...there are a bunch of us with that date! Just wanted to say "hello" and welcome you!
Glad to hear you're excited...they say being a little nervous is normal. Personally, I'm not nervous (at least not yet). I trust that whatever God has planned for me in this surgery is going to happen with or without my nervousness, so I just keep thanking Him and praying!
I'm sure the days will fly by...
Topic: My RNY surgery date is 11/12, anyone else?
Hi November surgeries.
I am getting excited too, my date is 2 weeks from Monday. I am not sure how I feel. Happy? Excited? nervous?
How about just ready to get it overwith?
So excited to start my new way of life. I love coming here to feed off everyones' energy. If you have a date near mine let me know. We can be buddies together!
Good luck to all!
Topic: November 7 is my date.
I can't believe how fast the time has flown. A few weeks ago I remember crying in the doctors office because my xray and ekg and come back abnormal and my doc wanted me to see a cardiologist, and I remember thinking that I was not going to be able to have the surgery after all. I mean I had taken so long to finally make the decision to have the surgery, my health has been going down hill, I have the date, and now they are going to tell me no?
But I should have had more faith in God. The cardiologist said despite the fact that I have the beginnings of CHF, I have a strong heart and I could have the surgery.
So here I am. I have my preop app on Nov.6, my sister is coming down to help us out with the kids, and I am on my way.
I am not sure really what I feel. I am a little nervous, but all in all I am very excited.