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That's great! How are you feeling - nervous, excited, anxious, scared - or all of the above?!
I just got my date on Friday and it's set for November 27. I'm kind of at the "all of the above" feelings stage!! I go to the nutrition class this Wednesday so will find out more about the pre-op diet then, but they already told me to start on protein shakes and a boatload of different vitamins. This will be some journey!! But I'm anxious to get it moving forward (and the scale downward!)...
Take care and feel free to add me as a friend. I'm fairly new to posting on the boards and only have a couple friends, but the more the merrier! Take care...........Nancy

Topic: Can I really do this? is getting closer to my surgery date (Nov 6th) and I am getting very doubtful of myself. I crave, no scratch that, obsess (sp?) about food. Everything that I cant eat seems like the most wonderful best tasting food there is and I cant have it. I dont want to sound freakish but sometimes i look at cars sitting in the fast food lines and think "I wish I didnt care about this" or "i wish i was happy with my body". I fear how much I am going to miss that food. I love food. Food is so yummy and how am i going to live without it. Im going to miss it like crazy and then i wonder...can I really do this? Once i get a food in my head that i am craving i cant get it out. what in the world do i do. Why does this have to be so hard?
Topic: RE: Anyone else getting super excited??? (Nov 7 surgery date)
Hi, Jeannie - I feel the same way you do... Excited and anxious, but a bit scared of the pre-op diet. I just got my surgery date on Friday and it's set for November 27 - just a couple days before you. We'll be very close to being on the same road at the same time! I live up in Tacoma, WA, but am familiar with the Oregon coast and love it down there. Are you going to Portland for your surgery? I'd love to chat with you, if you'd like.
Take care..................Nancy

Topic: RE: I have a date Nov 28
Hi, all... I am fairly new to posting on the boards here, but I just wanted to share that I have a date, too! I'll be have lap RNY on November 27 so I'm just the day before a few of you on this post. I am excited, nervous and very ready to get through the surgery. Good things are definitely in store for all of us and I sure appreciate being able to read the posts of those who have "been there" and find encouragement from them. Now those of us with November dates just need to support each other! Good luck to us all!!

Topic: Can We get a roll call of all Nov 5 Re-Birthdays????
Hi yall,
was just wondering who my sugery twins will be...
I will be having open rny at 7 am!!
Topic: RE: Anyone else getting super excited??? (Nov 7 surgery date)
I don't have to be on liquid protein, but the low-carb thing is tough. I made sure to buy some Benefiber. Good excuse for me to go buy some seafood.
Topic: 11/07 Lapband! However, I missed pre op testing last week...
My date is close! I had the flu AND strep throat last week so I missed my pre op testing. I called on Friday (this week we were in Disney World!) to reschedule and got a message on my answering machine with the scheduling consultants direct line.
Has anyone had to reschedule their testing and they were able to keep their original surgery date?
Dr.Poplawski does surgeries on Wednesdays, so hopefully I would only have to wait an extra week?
Topic: RE: November Surgery Date Support
Hi Sue!
I'm Maggie. My RNY is 11/12- 2 weeks from tomorrow!
Always looking for more friends. Count me in.
You must be really excited. You are this week! YIKES.
Good luck. Will keep you in mind this week, I will be hanging on to every moment!
Topic: RE: Anyone else getting super excited??? (Nov 7 surgery date)
Hello there;
I'm excited just to have a date. My surgery is for November 30th and I just found out about the preop diet. That scares me, I have never been good at those liquid protien type diets, I get so hungry that I cheat. So, I am not so excited about that part. I am from Oregon, Otis actually. Just before you get to Lincoln City on the coast. Maybe we could talk. :secret: Where you from?