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Topic: RE: Anyone else getting super excited??? (Nov 7 surgery date)
Yes, I am going to OHSU for my surgery. You'll be leaving as I am admitting. I'd love to talk, keep me updated and please let me know what happens when you come home, if and when you feel well enough to do so. :cool:
Topic: RE: Surgery date changed
Best of luck to you.....You will do great!!!! PLease keep in touch and let me know how everything goes! Shana
Topic: Not one of you anymore
I just wanted everyone to know that I am no longer a November re-birther
. I went in for my labs and received a call from my surgeon's nurse 2 hours later. She said that my iron levels are too low for surgery. So my surgery has been postponed until January 14th, 14 days before my birthday. I have an appoointment to see a Hematologist on Friday to discuss treatment.
Thank you all for your support. I wish you all uneventful surgeries and uncomplicated recoveries. See you all on the losers' bench in January.

Topic: RE: Not as excited as I thought I'd be.
Wow Sally, with all that you have going on I'm not sure I'd be calm at all. I'd probably be close to a breakdown!! ;o) I think that what you're feeling is totally normal given the cir****tances. I'll add you and your family to my prayer list. Keep your head up.
I'm also not as excited as I thought I would be. I am excited but I'm also scared and anxious. My surgery date is Nov. 1st. Please add me to your friends list and let me know how things turn out.
Topic: Surgery Date November 8th! Anyone joining me?
Well I've looked thru most of the recent posts on here and haven't seen anyone who's date is November 8th...Anybody out there to join me on the loser's bench on this special special day???? To everyone on this board who is having their surgery this month, I am so happy for each and every one of you and can't wait to hear how it went for you all!
Topic: RE: Surgery date changed
Gl luck shana, my open RNY is the 7th of Nov I go up on the 30th to do all my pre op stuff with the surgeon's office then go back on the 6th because i have a 170 mile trip to make from home to the hosp. south dakota is pretty spread out only two big city's that does this type of surgery . I'm more concerned about the trip home. take care and I'm with you I'd do it right now I hate the wait. but not to much longer for me only 10 oh wait tommorrow is 9 days away YESSSS take care Cathy
Topic: Not as excited as I thought I'd be.
I'm a Nov. 6th surgery date for a RNY, but I believe my date will be changed. In the last two weeks I had a bladder infection (after antibiodics) I came down with a serious kidney infection and was in bed for 4 days. Between these two infections or the same infection my husband had a heart attach scare and was in the hospital for two days. One of my daughters is covered in hives and the other has allergies which are making her asthma terrible.(Today my first day out of bed I just feel very blah.) Tomorrow is my preop appointment and I feel pretty sure I'm going to be moved back for a surgery date.
I know the Lord never gives us more than we can handle, and I feel very calm. I just wish I felt like most of the posts, pretty optomistic. Anyone have any conflicting or blah emotions at this late date? I met my preop weight goal and being sick has helped me lose 5 more yeah!! I got to move the big slider on my scale today... hit 250. Shouldn't I be dancing on the ceiling?
Topic: RE: Surgery Date 11/19/07
Hello Cliff, I have my open RNY on the 7th of Nov. and no your emotions are just like mine. I have had 2nd thoughts and food concerns and many more thoughts but you take care and with Gods help and strenght. we will all be on the losing side healthy and happier in just a matter of weeks mine is 10 days i think is what i added up. if you would like to keep in touch i know I would put me on your friends list. take care and gl on your Journey Cathy
Topic: RE: Can We get a roll call of all Nov 5 Re-Birthdays????
Hello Janeen I'm on the 7th of Nov but gl and my prayers are with you I add a little prayer every night for all my nov surgery Buddys. God will keep you close take care gl. Cathy