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Topic: RE: Not one of you anymore
Pam, girl, you are so funny!!! Uuuummmm, how I love LIVER...NOT!!!
I have recently tried all those livers you mentioned above and
. I couldn't keep it down. On top of that, I am allergic to shell none of that could have been consumed by me. I was trying some of everything when I found out; however, they say none of that would not have helped. It sounds like iron infusions are in my future; I'll know on Friday.
I do appreciate the research and the well wishes. I will keep you in my prayers as well. I won't forget because I will visit this board everyday, now that I have the internet at home. Good luck............

Topic: RE: Can We get a roll call of all Nov 5 Re-Birthdays????
Hi I am November 5th also!!! mine is at 8 am, but it is laproscopic. good luck to you, Layla
Topic: RE: Not one of you anymore
Thank you so much Angie. I actually thought about that...being hooked up, given my knock-out drug, waking up to being told that something happened with my surgeon, and that I had NOT had surgery. I imagined that seen in Scarface..."say hello to my little friend" know the one. All kidding aside, I do feel I am lucky to find out now and be able to correct it NOW before surgery.
Well...good luck with your surgery. I will keep you in my prayers.

Topic: RE: Can I really do this?
Ooooo do I know how you're feeling today! I started my liquid diet today. Which means that yesterday I was so focused on food it was crazy - I was running through lists of food in my mind. "Do I want pizza?" "Do I want some steak?" "Should I make a run to Taco Bell?" But I said no to all those things yesterday saying that I'd had my last meals, I was satisfied with the foods I'd had up until that point.
Then today. Oh boy! Just knowing that I wouldn't be chewing today made me want all those things so badly. I went to Wal-Mart to pick up some chicken broth and milk for my liquid diet.. walking by all those yummy foods. I got out to my car loading my milk and broth and was nearly in tears because I was so hungry.
But then I realized something. This isn't forever. Within a year I'll be eating quite normally. Within 5 or 8 months I'll be trying all types of foods again. I'll eat again, this liquid stage (and the post-op tiny meals) won't last forever.
I also remember the quote I saw on someone's signature once. "I am stronger than myself." I know that's true, I just need to live it.
We'll get through this Shannon. We are stronger than ourselves!
Topic: RE: Not one of you anymore
I wish you all the best. It's so much better to get your iron levels dealt with now while you've got your full digestive system than to try and struggle with after surgery. I did a quick search for you... LOL!... and found some yummy iron-rich foods. Eat up!
# Clams
# Pork Liver
# Oysters
# Chicken Liver
# Mussels
# Beef Liver
Gotta love the liver!
Good luck and hugs
Topic: RE: New here
Congrats .... you are just a few days after me and I wanted to wish you the best!
Topic: RE: This time next week I will be starting my new life
good luck to you and just to let you know my surgery is all that I can think about too! My friends and family must be sick of it!
Topic: RE: November Surgery Date Support
Hello November buddies!! My date is the 13th of Nov. I'll be starting my 10 day liquid diet this Sat, the 3rd. Just wondering how it's going for any of you. I'm excited and nervous about the pre-op diet. I'm told that's harder than the surgery itself.
Topic: RE: Can I really do this?
Six months ago I was saying much of the same stuff you are now. First and foremost, you are not going to have to do without food. The fact is that you will enjoy food so much more when you really get a chance to taste it. I thought I would miss so much. You still get to enjoy the first bite like before and that last bite is great too because now you will feel full. The only difference I have now would be the lack of the "in between" bites. I don't need those extra bites to feel satisfied.
Just relax and try not to dwell on it too much. The first month postop is a bit rough, but it starts heading in the right direction so quickly that you will be amazed. I think you will eventually agree that you are on a roller coaster of happiness. Good times are a comin...I'm telling you.
I just posted my 5 month pics and judging by my smile, you can see that I DEFINITELY do not regret my decision one bit.
Brace yourself for a wonderful voyage...this is one cool trip.