For the past month or so I have had serious nausea, to the point where Im waking myself up in the middle of the night gagging. I called my dr and he put me on Carafate for stomach and intestine ulcers. I however still do not feel any better. If I eat I get nauseas and if I drink colder liquids I get severe stomach cramps. It is so awful. I dont know what it is, hoping someone else has had this and gotten over it. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I am also on the carafate four times a day and nexium. If that isnt helping then call your doctor and ask if u might have a stricture. it is easy to fix. they just do a scope and stretch the hole. good luck to you and maybe u should google stricture. sounds like that could be it. but im not a doc so what do i know. lol.good luck!