Hello Everyone, I...
Hello Everyone,
I had my RNY 11/28 and started out at 330 pounds. The first two weeks I only lost 10 pounds. Although I'm trying not to be disappointed, I'm a little concerned that I will not loose this weight after such a small weight loss. With my weight being so high, I felt I should have lost more than 10 pounds during this two week period.
I have heard of some people not actually being able to loose weight after RNY. Has anybody experienced low weight loss in the beginning like this? If so, did your weight loss pick up?
Hi Beth,
Hang in there. I had my surgery on 11-1-07 and have been losing weight slowly. Of course people I talked to lost '*tons* of weight compared to what I was losing. I seem to lose only a couple of pounds and then 5-8#'s in a week. I was also worried/disappointed that I wasn't dropping weight quicker after all that I went through to get 'here'. Everyone is different- also- I'm sure you are not really active yet, I know I wasn't until about 2 weeks ago when I started working out again. So for the little amount of foods you are taking in, you are probably not moving around much either. Follow the nutritionists directions... PROTEIN FIRST, protein first, protein first. I was not always doing that and I did notice that my weight loss slowed when I was eating carbs or veggies more than proteins. Good luck and Good Health...
Hi Beth-
I too found my weight loss somewhat slower than those I read online here...However, I take into account a few things...First, I don't have as much to lose as a lot of people here (~100lbs), so I knew it wasn't going to melt off...Second, for me personally, whenever I do a diet where I am severely limiting my calories, my metabolism will shut down and I only lose negligible weight...I had RNY on 11/19/07 and for the two weeks I was on the liquid diet (and also the two weeks leading up to surgery, so four weeks) I only lost about 7lbs. Since transitioning in my program to ground proteins, I have more energy to walk for exercise, feel less weak during the days and have seen my weight loss pick up...However, everyone is very different, so bottom line, keep that in an open mind...As cliche as it sounds, this is a marathon, not a sprint! Best of luck and Happy Holidays!
I've had pretty much the same experience as you. I had my surgery on 11/7/07 and have lost 23 pounds. I even went so far as to speak with the Nurse Practitioner at my doctor's office. Her words were that everyone is different, and as long as the general trend is downward, everything is fine. It's so hard to be patient though, isn't it? Same as you, I've read about so many people dropping a ton in the first few weeks. I firmly believe it will come for BOTH OF US. Hang in there!

Oh thank God! I was feeling pretty fine about my loss in the past 4 weeks (19lbs****il I read the other posts about losing 30 plus pounds. I know better than to let it get to me, and today is the first time it has. I know I'm following the rules. My body is doing it's thing. I lost 10lbs the first week. Then stalled for almost a week, then it's been lose and stall, lose and stall since. iknow they aren't official stalls, but they are days when nothing is happening, and then for 2 days the needle on teh scale moves just a bit. I know I've done some shrinking, and that's a great thing, too. It's just hard. Emotional roller coaster. You know, I used to love wild rides, the wilder the better. This one is really pushing the envelope.
I weighed 368 before surgery and on Sunday I was at 329. I was very disappointed with my slow weight loss because the doc said he bypassed me at 150 cm which, I understand, is a lot compared to others. I seemed to be stuck between weeks 3 and 4 and didn't lose any weight. Drinking my required fluids and eating my 60 oz of protein every day. I believe some of that weight was slow bowels and now that I am eating more veggies (thank God for fresh veggies and not canned), they are moving much faster! I totally expected to have lost 50 pounds at my 6 week check up but only had lost 32.5. I was disappointed but again, it's coming off and will never be back on me again so I'm happy. Once I got over that disappointment and the ah-ha moment, I've been fine.
I had my RnY 11/22 and have only lost 10 pounds so far. Have cried more than a few tears over it. Cried most of the afternoon again. I lost 8 pounds in the first week and a half and then nothing till Christmas day, when I suddenly lost 5 pounds overnight. In the last few days I've put 3 back on. I keep track of all I eat, I'm hitting my protein goal of at least 60 grams every day, my calories hover around 800. Just a couple of days ago I went to solid foods but thinking of going back to purees for the most part since a lot of the food is getting stuck. I sometimes wonder if I've made this huge mistake, one that will affect the rest of my life, with very little in the way of a payoff. Between the small weight loss, the food always getting stuck, a nonstop headache since surgery, I see no pay off so far.
Hugs, Ellie
I had RNY on 11/27 and as of the start of this week (7 weeks out) I am down 42 pounds. I know I haven't been getting in enough protein, and I haven't started working out yet. The second week I ended up with an ulcer that lasted a week, and 2 weeks ago I was back in the hospital for a 4 day stay with a stricture. Seems like one thing after another. I can only eat a little tuna, lunch meat (ham) crackers, ground beef, and some turkey if its very tender with gravy. I have just been able to eat toasted bread, or a wheat toasted english muffin. I can also do a couple spoons about 3-4 of chili.