Any Bandsters in or near Corbin,ky??

on 11/14/07 10:56 am
Hey guys just wandering if there are any of you in my area...Id like to start some kind of support group or something but thats kind of hard to do when you cant even find anyone who has had what you have in your SO with that said, if you are in the Corbin,Ky area please give me a hollar! Im in need of some support,it would be great just to have somone around that knows how I feel or what I go through. Thursann Hensley
on 11/14/07 12:05 pm
I am in Providence, KY
on 11/14/07 12:27 pm
I hadnt ever heard of Providence that I knew of so I mapquested it,and it showed four different counties with this in it, I was suprised to see the one in Knox county, are u in knox county? If so thats great, you arent too far from me...
on 11/15/07 9:34 am
Have you had trouble ? I'm to have the band dec.11 little worried.
on 11/15/07 9:24 pm
Barbara, Im gonna be totally honest about everything with you..first of all my best friend had the surgery about eight months before I did and she did just excellent, she made the whole event look like a breeze...she went back to work 3 days later. As for me, 3 days later I couldnt even walk upright. For about two weeks life was rough,Im not gonna friend had also had alot of family around to help her so I think that might of made a big difference too and I had noone and I guess that might of made it harder too. BUT I will tell you that I am so glad I did it, I wouldnt take it back, because of lap band I now have a chance to live a healthy life that I could not acheive on my own. So,I guess my point is, for me,it was a great choice. I have now lost 50 lbs, I had mine on June 4th, for my friend, weight lose has been even greater and faster. I know your nervous but you should be fine...I mean, its by no means easy but you got to think if it was easy everyone would be doing it! So, just try to not worry so much you will get through this and you will be a much thinner,healthier person for it! Take care, my best wishes!
on 11/15/07 11:12 pm
thanks for your replay.i'm 60 years old have been heavy all my life my family is on the plump side also.i've been on blood preasure med. sense take 3 per day i want some changes.i have family close by maybe they will help, but most of all i'm doing this for me.i would have had it done sooner but had to get approved from medicare.have you had much support from this site.
on 11/17/07 1:41 am
I totally know what you mean,all of my dads family were really big and ofcourse I took after dad passed away four yrs ago due to kidney failure and complications with diabetes and after watching him go thru dyalysis and everything for years and seeing my older sisters take shots,etc I knew it was a road I wanted to not go down! I knew I had to do something major to change it,and like you this was the first thing I think I ever did for myself in my whole entire life! For me,it is worth it, Im only -50lbs as of now,but atleast I have hope again,and even with just losing 50 lbs I feel so much better that its unbelievable! Hopefully when you have this done you wont no longer have to have the bp far as the site, I think its wonderful! Sometimes not many people reply,sometimes so many do that you cant respond to all but thats just theres also chat were u can chat with people live you may want to try that sometimes. Do you live in corbin or near? Im just curious,Id really like to start a support group in this area, Just cant find enough of us in the area...anyhow, Good luck! and take care.
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