The 8th

on 11/3/07 9:36 pm
My date is set for the 8th of Nov. It seems like it has been forever. But with the support of my husband Steve and my sister Deb I have made it. I know it has not been easy on them since I can be alittle bit in a hurry (at times). I am really lucky to have them. Paula
on 11/3/07 10:14 pm - Tacoma, WA
Congratulations, Paula!! I can identify with wanting to be in a hurry on this. I'm the same way - when I get my mind made up, I just want it to happen. But your date is just around the corner so the wait will be worth it! It's great that you have a supportive husband and sister with you - that can make such a difference. Good luck on the 8th - I'm sure everything will go well. Take care....................Nancy
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