Hi, my name is Cassa...

Cassandra C.
on 11/4/07 8:08 am - oil city, LA
Hi, my name is Cassandra Cole. my surgery is also scheduled for November 13. I am somewhat excited but also scared, but I am looking forward to the new me. my prayer are with everyone that our surgery goes very well.
Anne D.
on 11/4/07 10:49 am - Sudbury, Canada
Right back atcha Cassandra!!!! Good luck! Anne
Cassandra C.
on 11/5/07 10:26 am - oil city, LA
Hey Anne Ducharme, how are you doing today I got your message but I am writing back because they changed my surgery date. now its nov 14. but its all good.keep in touch smooches!!!!
Anne D.
on 11/5/07 6:43 pm - Sudbury, Canada
Well good luck with that Cassandra. I'm on my way to Michigan right now to go for my patts. It's a hell of a long drive..9-10 hours or so. Take care and let me know how your surgry turns out ok so we can compare notes. Anne
on 11/6/07 11:04 am - TERRELL, TX
Hi, my surgery date is also scheduled for November 13. I have all kinds of feeling happy, scared, angst. But I can't wait to see the new me. Hugs, Nellie
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