Not one of you anymore
I just wanted everyone to know that I am no longer a November re-birther
. I went in for my labs and received a call from my surgeon's nurse 2 hours later. She said that my iron levels are too low for surgery. So my surgery has been postponed until January 14th, 14 days before my birthday. I have an appoointment to see a Hematologist on Friday to discuss treatment.
Thank you all for your support. I wish you all uneventful surgeries and uncomplicated recoveries. See you all on the losers' bench in January.

I'm so sorry that your date was cancelled! I wish you the best of luck in january! At least you didn't find out like my friend that your fdate had to be changed. My friend was hooked up to the IV and was ready to go and the doctor had a family ememrgncy and had to cancel and reschedule to say the less she had her surgery a month later.....good luck on your road to your re-birthday it will be here before you know it!!
Good Luck
Thank you so much Angie. I actually thought about that...being hooked up, given my knock-out drug, waking up to being told that something happened with my surgeon, and that I had NOT had surgery. I imagined that seen in Scarface..."say hello to my little friend" know the one. All kidding aside, I do feel I am lucky to find out now and be able to correct it NOW before surgery.
Well...good luck with your surgery. I will keep you in my prayers.

I wish you all the best. It's so much better to get your iron levels dealt with now while you've got your full digestive system than to try and struggle with after surgery. I did a quick search for you... LOL!... and found some yummy iron-rich foods. Eat up!
# Clams
# Pork Liver
# Oysters
# Chicken Liver
# Mussels
# Beef Liver
Gotta love the liver!
Good luck and hugs

I am chronic iron deficient, my doctor put me on NIFOREX liquid. You can buy it over the counter but need to ask the pharmacist for it. Most pharmacies do not stock and the bottle may cost you around $45-$60. 1 TSP 2X daily. It doesn't taste as bad as it sounds. Much like a spoonful of molasses syrup.
The liquid does a much better job at absorbtion quicker too!!
Thanks for your response Rebecca. I'm already on a prescription iron pill. I asked about added more to what I'm taking but was told not to because of absorption. I guess they may think that I may have absorption problems. I do make sure that I take my iron with extra Vitamin C to help with that. Oh well, I'll see on Friday.
The best luck with surgery. I hope your journey is successful.