Can I really do this? is getting closer to my surgery date (Nov 6th) and I am getting very doubtful of myself. I crave, no scratch that, obsess (sp?) about food. Everything that I cant eat seems like the most wonderful best tasting food there is and I cant have it. I dont want to sound freakish but sometimes i look at cars sitting in the fast food lines and think "I wish I didnt care about this" or "i wish i was happy with my body". I fear how much I am going to miss that food. I love food. Food is so yummy and how am i going to live without it. Im going to miss it like crazy and then i wonder...can I really do this? Once i get a food in my head that i am craving i cant get it out. what in the world do i do. Why does this have to be so hard?
Hi Shannon.
I'm still pre-op and I guess I've had a few of the same thoughts...but I'm really excited! I know I can be disciplined in my eating because I've done it so many times before...but I always give up at some point and never actually reach goal. Have you had that experience? I think if you've lost weight and have been disciplined about your food in the past it helps you feel a little more secure going in to this surgery.
Sounds like you ARE obsessing...I think you need to find a new obsession! What do you like to do? Refocus your attention to something else. If you continue to focus on what you can't have you're definitely not going to be a very fun person to be around!
I know there have been posts on the main board about "what to do instead of eating" and things like that...maybe you should do a search and see what you come up with. Surely there is something on those lists that would help you refocus.
For me, I'm a Christian, so focusing my attention on God by getting really into a great bible study or just reading the bible or singing along to worship music really helps me. I even have some favorite verses that I carry with me to help me refocus on something other than food when I need to. I'd love to give you some specifics of what I do if you're interested...just private message me.
You can do this...but it's NOT going to be easy. If you're looking for ease you might as well resign yourself to staying obese. (IMO) I know you've read plenty of people on these boards who have had these surgeries and say it's NOT EASY...
Do you have a psychologist or a support group that you can discuss this with? It almost sounds to me like you might not really be ready to take this big of a step...but I don't know you and I haven't read anything you've written other than this I'm sure I'm jumping to conclusions...maybe it's just jitters?? I would say if you're not 100% about doing this you shouldn't do it...but again...just my opinion.
Good luck!
Six months ago I was saying much of the same stuff you are now. First and foremost, you are not going to have to do without food. The fact is that you will enjoy food so much more when you really get a chance to taste it. I thought I would miss so much. You still get to enjoy the first bite like before and that last bite is great too because now you will feel full. The only difference I have now would be the lack of the "in between" bites. I don't need those extra bites to feel satisfied.
Just relax and try not to dwell on it too much. The first month postop is a bit rough, but it starts heading in the right direction so quickly that you will be amazed. I think you will eventually agree that you are on a roller coaster of happiness. Good times are a comin...I'm telling you.
I just posted my 5 month pics and judging by my smile, you can see that I DEFINITELY do not regret my decision one bit.
Brace yourself for a wonderful voyage...this is one cool trip.

Ooooo do I know how you're feeling today! I started my liquid diet today. Which means that yesterday I was so focused on food it was crazy - I was running through lists of food in my mind. "Do I want pizza?" "Do I want some steak?" "Should I make a run to Taco Bell?" But I said no to all those things yesterday saying that I'd had my last meals, I was satisfied with the foods I'd had up until that point.
Then today. Oh boy! Just knowing that I wouldn't be chewing today made me want all those things so badly. I went to Wal-Mart to pick up some chicken broth and milk for my liquid diet.. walking by all those yummy foods. I got out to my car loading my milk and broth and was nearly in tears because I was so hungry.
But then I realized something. This isn't forever. Within a year I'll be eating quite normally. Within 5 or 8 months I'll be trying all types of foods again. I'll eat again, this liquid stage (and the post-op tiny meals) won't last forever.
I also remember the quote I saw on someone's signature once. "I am stronger than myself." I know that's true, I just need to live it.
We'll get through this Shannon. We are stronger than ourselves!
Hello Shannon, I have an open RNY on the 7th of Nov and have been on liquids since the 24th I to have had my bad times I called my daughter and tried to explain how hard it was to think I would never beable to eat that way again but she reminded me that once your healthy it will feel better then all the junk our bodie and mind tries to tell us we need. so with prayer and support I'm doing better the last few days. take care and gl on your journey.. cathy
My surgery date is the same as yours and I've noticed in the last 48 hours that I'm craving everything in sight. I'm certain what's happening here is that I'm nervous and I'm attempting, as usual, to comfort myself with food. I figure next I'll be having either a panic attack or a temper tantrum.
Once again it drives home the point that I must find a new way to deal with feelings. I can't keep running to my ole buddy "food".
As for the regular "I'm gonna miss this food" feeling, I'm trying to stay focused on how happy I am to push back from the table once and for all. I've managed to stay away from the vending machine and the chocolate Zingers the last two days at work so I'm pretty proud of myself right now. And while I will be buying Halloween candy tonight, it will all have peanuts in it so I won't be tempted. (I'm deathly allergic to peanuts.)
Hang in there November losers!