November Surgery Date Support
Hi Traci-
I had to do a week of high protein liquids only also. I lost 14# in one week. So far, I have lost a total of 34# prior to surgery. I work out 3-4 times a week, although I haven't really done much excersize in the last 5 weeks. I was on a cruise for 16 days to celebrate our 25th Anniversay. (I am only 43- married young) Then with all the pre-op testing and daily stress getting in the way... Aghhhhhh
plus I am trying to catch up at work due to the vacation, (I was off 3 full weeks) and never caught up since then. I also just had Lasik eye surgery this past friday.... talk about a whirlwind couple of weeks.
As for the liquids, I was drinking ISO-PURE. It has 45 grams of protein per bottle, They are alittle expensive, but I'd rather be healthy then cheap. I also used Cyto-pure, basically the same as Iso-pure, but different flavors. I do add some water to them, because the flavor is strong sometimes, but I ALWAYS drink them COLD, lots of ice. I can buy them at GNC, or The Vitamin Shoppe. I think these stores area nation wide. Your area health food store may also have them. I did really good, (not cheating****il the middle- which was sunday... I just lost it and ate some turkey (which is ok), but the soft pretzle and wedge cut potatoes were not. Not only did I fel extremely guilty, but I had terrible diarreha. Maybe becaouse I finally put something solid in my system after all those liquids. I learned my lesson. I guess the same could happen after surgery if you eat what we're not supposed to.
When you step on the scale after maybe 4 days of liquid protein, you will probably have lost some weight. Just stick with it.
Feel free to write back with any questions, after Monday the 5th, I should be out of the hospital by then.
Good luck and take care.

Congrats on your surgery tomorrow!!
I'm really excited for you. You will do great and we all will go on this journey together to a whole new life. My date is on November 28th and I'm waiting patiently. Look out world..Sue is on the losers bench!!
Let's stay in touch so you can tell me the in's and out's.

Hello! My surgery is November 19th! I figure the more support we can get the better! Accountability is the key. By the time you get this you will already be on the Loser's Bench! Good for you! You are going to do great and it's perfectly normal to be experiencing a wide range of emotions....I know I am. Talk to you soon!