Is anyone's spouse more worried then you are? Nov 7th wls
Hello all I have been on liquids now for two days it has been ok I just have been drinking water between shakes and all. has anyone had concerns for there spouces being worried about the surgery I love the Lord and know I will be in completely his hands . My husband is a wonderful guy but I think he worries to much. gl WLS Nov. buddys
It is pretty common for a spouse to worry about it. It only seems natural for them to be concerned with the thought of having to raise kids on their own. The statistics show that while these proceedures are getting better, they certainly do have legitimate elements of risk.
The recent study that came out just a month or two ago shows that obese people who don't have the surgery versus those who do have the same general risk during that first 12 months. The ones who have the surgery have higher risk around the surgery date and the non-surgery person has generally constant risk for that entire year. When graphed, the risk lines cross at that point and the post-op surgery person's risks go way down in comparison after that first year.
This is a hurdle that pre-opers need to get past to enjoy the fruits of this great tool. My best advice is to sit back and enjoy this journey right from the start.
I'm so glad I did this. We were at a football game tonight and I actually raced my daughter back to the car on a full run. Once we were in the car, she said, "Dad, you are fun like you used to be when I was little." This is a true and very recent story. Yeah, I guess I am lot more fun now.

My husband is very worried, too much so I think. Of course it's normal for spouses to be worried, it's normal for us to be somewhat worried too. But my DH is so worried he doesn't want to talk about the surgery at all. I thought it would help him to know everything about what will happen from the minute I walk into the hospital to the minute I leave the hospital; but when I tried to tell him about it he just changed the subject. He told me he's too worried to hear about everything, and he's afraid his worry will rub off on me and make me way more nervous than I am... I wish he was more supportive but there's nothing I can do about it... I hope yours is not quite as bad as mine...

Hello Flo My husband is good about talking about it But is very worried still my daughter knows me to well also and she has seen me go through many surgerys and I seem to have some complication but I always get well fast. but she and my husband are just concerned for me and I think your husband is just worried about major complication and it would be good for him to go online and check out this site and look at the ratio's of problems becuse they are very low and even with problems I have seen amazing results by people on here even with surgical problems so I ask my husband to do what I told you for yrs and he is understanding it more clearly. but I think that it is normal to feel a little worried .
I am not worried at all about surgery. It is the after care I am worried about. My DH on the other hand keeps telling me that it is not the right time and wont talk about it. I personally think that he is afriad for me. Someone he works with just had lap band and has blood clots and now he is worried about me. Good luck with your upcoming surgery. I am hoping for a late Nov date.