My surgery date is November 20th in CT
RNY on 06/26/13
Hello all!
I am going in for the Lap Band in Connecticut on Tuesday, November 20th and was wondering if there was anyone else out there who shared my date in or out of CT!
I'm so excited!!!!

RNY on 06/26/13
So many people are being placed on a 2 week liquid diet, but I am not. I am being placed on a 12 day 1000 calorie diet and then a 2 day liquid diet. Funny how different things can be from one doctor to another. Best of luck to you Tonya!

RNY on 06/26/13
Hi Nancy,
Our date is coming up so quickly! I cannot wait!
Best of luck to you, I will be keeping you in my prayers. I hear it is so beautiful down in that area.

RNY on 06/26/13
Hi Tonya,
I bet you are! It must be incredibly difficult! I will be keeping you in my prayers!