Anyone on the loser's bench Nov 5th

Sweet Peaches
on 10/11/07 6:02 am - Memphis, TN
Hey everybody. Just wanted to come over to this board and announce my re-birth date is Nov 5th. I'm sssssoooooooo excited. Anybody else on Nov 5th and as excited as I am? Good luck and God bless you all.
on 10/13/07 2:43 am - Syracuse, NY
I am! November 5th here too. Man oh man, I hope the next couple of weeks go fast. I'm starting to dream about it even! I'll add you to my prayers the morning of surgery.
on 10/16/07 12:19 am - Corfu, NY
I'm also a November 5th baby!!! I'm getting excited and a little nervous too, but I suppose that goes along with the territory... Trying to get all my ducks in a row and get things ready; not to mention trying to stay busy. I'll be thinking of my fellow 5thers and keeping you in my prayers... Good Luck to all!!! -Flo
Sweet Peaches
on 10/17/07 10:53 am - Memphis, TN
Thanks for responding...I've been without a computer for a while. I wish everyone a safe, uneventful surgery and spedy and painless as possible recovery.
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