November 6 is my new birthday!
The more weight we can get off the easier surgery will be.
Part of why my past weight loss efforts failed is that the amount I had to lose seemed so overwhelming. There was no end in sight to the dieting and the exercising and the suffering. But now that I see the goal...November 6...I suddenly have tons of motivation!
Am I perfect with the diet? Oh hell no. In fact tonight I'm planning on a slice of cheesecake. With hot fudge. I figure after 11/6 sugary foods are out of my life. A girl's gotta have a chance to say goodbye, right?
Of course if you're gonna cheat, the trick is to space it apart. Even my nutrionist said it was okay. (A slice as opposed to half the cake, it's called moderation, my friends. ) My last hurrah is my sister's wedding October 27 and I'm planning to drink as much champagne as I can. Moderation, be damned.
But then it'll be liquid diet time with NO cheating.