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Topic: RE: Life with a feeding tube
Sounds like it might take a little tweaking to get it right. Take it one pound at a time and know that YOU WILL get there!
hang in there
prayers your way!
Topic: RE: Late Surgiversary Doctor Appt.
What a GREAT post - I could HEAR you
132 - you rock!!!!!
Victoria's Secret is one of my favorite stores now!( Before I avoided it - Now I walk in there proudly )
Thanks for sharing!

Topic: Life with a feeding tube
Wow, this is something different to get used to. I was told when I had my revision nearly 2 weeks ago, that I had a feeding tube put in to help me fill the gap-kickstart my weight gain after surgery. It's certainly something to get used to and learn about.
I have been in touch with home health nurses and dieticians who will help me to calculate my caloric needs, etc. to gain weight. One of the problems I'm having currently is my flow rate is not that high, so I'm not getting the maximum calories in yet that my dr. wants. So I've not gained any weight yet. I'm working each day on trying to get my volume increased. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't. I get really bloated feeling and it hurts.
So, anyway, tomorrow I have a follow up with my surgeon to get my stitches out. My home health nurse said it looks like the tube they put in is just temporary, so I need to find out more what he has in mind for using this feeding tube for. The discharge papers say to have it until I gain to 115 lbs. That's at least 23 lbs. away. I can't see that happening in a couple weeks. Maybe I'll have to get a new tube. The tube goes into my jejunum where things get absorbed immediately. So, hopefully I can get my volume increased enough to start to see a gain of about 2 lbs. per week pretty soon.
It's strange to haul this poll around with me everywhere. I have to live either upstairs or down, because I can't carry the poll up or down. I'm too weak. I have the pump on for nearly 24 hours a day, to give me the most intake possible. I just have it off for showers and moving about the house. Also, all my meds and extra water go directly into the tube.
I still have not had a BM. I've been using some laxatives the last couple of days to help it along, but nothing yet. Please cross your fingers that things kick in and start working properly soon!
So, that's my new thing to deal with. Let me know if you have any questions. It's been a real learning experience for me.
Topic: RE: Late Surgiversary Doctor Appt.
What an exciting day for you! That must have made you feel good that your dr. said he probably wouldn't have recognized you. Wow what an accomplishment!
Enjoy your newfound shopping time!!
Topic: Late Surgiversary Doctor Appt.
Ok, you guys have disappeared again!!! Where are you?! Kim, hope you are feeling better! Today I had my one year post-op appointment with my weight loss surgeon. I'd had to postpone it last month due to the PS. I passed his office when I went to the bathroom before weighing in. He was talking on the phone so I didn't even glance his way. When I weighed in, the nurse was saying how great I looked! That made me feel good. I took off my boots before weighing in but had on a sweater and pants and my weight was 132 even!!!!! I was SO happy because that wasn't much above what I'd weighed at home naked! When the doctor came in he said he would have NEVER recognized me and said he and the nurse had been looking at my "before" picture. He asked if I'd seen it lately and I looked at it and cringed but I have to admit the transformation is pretty amazing!!! He was just so complimentary. I was smiling ear to ear! He thought my PS incision looked great and he even look at the back! I left there on cloud nine and floated over to the Anne Taylor Loft and tried on lots of clothes and bought some! Like that Oprah show said, I've just switched addictions!! I can't stop shopping for clothes! It is just SO AWESOME to be able to walk into any store and buy anything!!! I have to stop!!! One thing I bought at Anne Taylor was a jean jacket!!! It's waist length - something I couldn't have even bought a month ago because of the stomach! Then, I did something I have NEVER IN MY LIFE DONE!!!! I went into Victoria's Secret!!! And, I even tried on various bras and bought one!!! Oh, I'm so full of myself it is unreal! We went to a Christmas party tonight and I felt SO good! I feel like I've truly gotten a new life and I'm so thankful! I'm off to the Plastic Surgeon for yet another follow up tomorrow so you probably won't hear from me again til Saturday!
Topic: RE: Hospital stay update on my profile blog
Topic: RE: Weekly Weigh In week of 12/10
Hi Kim,
Your Holiday party sounded FUN!
You are so close to GOAL -
Go for it BEFORE the new year!
Topic: RE: Weekly Weigh In week of 12/10
Sorry I forgot to post yesterday! It has been a busy week already. I actually had the day off today and was busier than normal. I went shopping all day with my Mom. It was fun but hectic. My company Christmas party was Friday night. It was a lot of fun. It was at the Cleveland Browns stadium in the press box. Wow what a cool view! I did great eating wise and then even got some exercise in dancing! lol
Ok so here is the stats:
Starting weight: 268
Last week weight: 148.5
This week: 150
Gain this week: 1.5
I am still on this cycle of losing some and then gaining some. Ugh I can't wait for it to stop but hey in the end it does keep going down. And I really don't want to lose much more. My goal is 145 and it would be nice to maybe get to 140. But if I say where I am at I am happy too!
Have a great week!
Topic: RE: Weekly Weigh In week of 12/10
Thank you, Britt. I just need to get back on track and remember why I got fat in the first place and not do that anymore. Carbs are so bad but oh so good to eat. I know what I have to do - I just get so bored with healthy food! lol.
Thanks for the words of encouragement. I really appreciate it. I know things will get better and I'll lose these blasted few lbs and get to my goal.
Hugs back atcha!
Topic: RE: Weekly Weigh In week of 12/10
Thanks, Shawn. I'm glad to hear you had a good session with your therapist and I hope they can straighten out your meds.
My ulcer is acting up now because I haven't eaten anything. I'm going to have some soup when I get home from work before I go to the gym.
I'm trying to get back to basics. I need to get to my ultimate goal of 138lbs and I know I can do it. I just have to have more willpower. I'll try to stay positive and get through this slump.
Thanks again,