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(deactivated member)
on 2/12/08 9:04 am - FL
Topic: RE: OMG...I'm such a klutz!
OK, let me clarify a little. I was heavily medicated when I yped this last night. I did not cut my fingers off. I cut three fingers. They are rough jagged cuts by hedge trimmer blades. My fingers got caught up in the moving blades. The ER doc stitched them up but he didn't really care much about the appearance, so I will probably have a jagged mess when they are healed. I lost a lot of blood and everyone in the ER was grossed out by me! That was weird to have people react that way by your appearance. The fingers looked a little bent, but the x-ray didn't show a fracture. I haven't looked at the wounds since I've been home. The gauze is stuck to the wounds and I'm afraid to pull it off. I'll have one of the nurses at work take care of it for me tomorrow. I'm hoping it isn't as bad as I remember it to be! I'm so mad at myself! I can't believe this happened. We have a $5,000 deductable on our insurance and we met it within the last two days! Randy had a scope done and they found two ulcers. I just made them worse, I'm sure! Wanda
on 2/12/08 9:02 am - Pinckney, MI
Topic: RE: OMG...What an odd thing to say.
I guess I never thought of it that way... I have had that said to me and I just go on to say how much I have lost and how great I feel.... Usually then I get the WTG speech and all of that.... Probably why I have never thought of it this way.... I am sure she meant it as a compliment and wasn't prying for more information... Some people just don't know how to pay a compliment I guess..... You have done a great job and should proud of every pound you have lost..... HUGs, Shawn M.
on 2/12/08 8:58 am - Pinckney, MI
Topic: RE: OMG, I'm such a glutton for punishment!!!
Oh CeCe!!! I truly feel for you... My weakness is my wine and I have it almost every night..... Some nights I drink it too fast and I go through a similar scenerio as you described... It is miserable, but I wish I went through that will small amount of sugar or even things with sugar alcohol, because I am sure I would be doing much better at getting to goal if I did.... I can eat sugar, just not too fast.... Get rid of that darn ice cream and don't get it again... Eating out is not a sin and you did bring leftovers back so I am sure you did not ruin yourself.... We need to treat ourselves once in a while, just so long as we don't OVERinduldge.... Don't feel guilty, you did just fine.... I am sorry you went though all that, but I am sure you learned from it as well.... Hugs, Shawn M.
on 2/12/08 8:44 am - Pinckney, MI
Topic: RE: OMG...I'm such a klutz!
OMG is right!!!!! What actually happened Wanda???? It sounds like you wacked off all your fingers.... I sure do hope that is not the case.... I will keep you in my prayers.... You are supposed to keep your hands away from those moving blades..... OMG!!!!! I can't even begin to imagine what you did..... HUGS, Shawn M.
on 2/12/08 8:41 am - Pinckney, MI
Topic: RE: Weekly Weigh In week of 2/11/08
A day late... but I am here..... So sorry you had to go through that with your daughter Britt!!! OMG.. I don't think I would have handled myself as well as you did, and I have six kids..... Kuddos to you!!!! Just when I thought we were all through being sick in our house my youngest came down with Scarlet Fever... Hopefully that will end it all though... With all the snow days we have had he didn't miss any school though... LOL.... Anyway... I was shocked when I got on the scale this week, I have really been bad and grazing with the kiddos home so much with the snow and all, so I was not expecting what I saw..... Starting weight = 309 Last weeks weight = 181 This wees weight = 180 Loss this week = -1 Total loss = -129 I REALLY thought I was going to have a gain this week, I was just hoping to stay the same, but to lose a pound.... I am sooooo EXCITED!!!!! Hope everyone has a good week this week.... HUGS to All, Shawn M.
(deactivated member)
on 2/12/08 2:54 am
Topic: RE: OMG...What an odd thing to say.
I do need to update my picture - I've probably lost 30 or more pounds since this one. The hair now --- I just decided to try to grow it out so it might actually be shorter. I'm ok with compliments... Man you have lost a lot of weight and look great. Is a Thank You but just you have lost a lot of weight is ... odd to me. You are right though I'm sure she didn't mean anything by it. My hairdresser knows I've had both surgeries - however I doubt I'm the topic of their conversations very often - . I have another friend who finds criticism in the comments that you are looking good or how much has you lost. I guess if I over thougth it I could because you look good really means you look better! When I give a compliment I try to remember this and will often say... You look even more beautiful than usual today. Or a comment that compliments their color choice or something. I need to get me some of those stup... I mean index cards so I can do the Beck homework. I kinda stopped when I got to the list of what I needed until I get some index cards. Love talking to you CeCe.
on 2/12/08 2:44 am
Topic: RE: OMG...What an odd thing to say.
Trudy, Sounds like you need an updated pic so we can see how the hair is growing out! I don't know what the hairdresser meant - it could be just about anything! Do they know you had surgery at the shop? Maybe she was just wanting to know how much weight you have lost. Maybe she's just jealous! I've always been a person who doesn't know how to take compliments because they were never dished out at home. My mother loved us but we were raised on criticism not praise and, even today, I tend to look for criticism in any comment!!! So, any and all comments on my weight loss, the plastic surgery results and even my new wardrobe make me somewhat uncomfortable. Yet, at the same time, people are getting used to the "new" look and don't comment that much any more. Sometimes I find myself wondering if they are thinking I no longer look as "good:" That's warped, huh?!!! I've learned to do as you did, Trudy, to just say "Yes, I have and I'm feeling great!" Or, simply, "Thank you!" Then, I quickly change the subject to get the focus on them or something else! Going back to my earlier comment about seeing criticism everywhere, I guess on some level I take comments about my weight loss or new look as a criticism to how I used to be. Now I try to be very careful in my own comments to people I see who have made changes! CeCe
(deactivated member)
on 2/12/08 2:23 am
Topic: OMG...What an odd thing to say.
Ok - I'm straying from the OMG line a little but... I went to have my hair trimmed (it looks better - almost like it has style while growing out). One of the other hairdressers there whom I've seen around for years and know by name but not much further than that. Calls me over when I'm dont "Trudy" I go to her space "You have lost a lot of weight." Thats it end of comment. What the heck is a response to that. It isn't a compliment. And Duh - it is almost 200 pounds - people notice. It isn't like I secretly dropped 5 pounds. I get this occasionally and I really don't know how to respond. A friend here told me I should say ... actually I'm up a couple. Really though... Thank you isn't appropriate. I usually just say "Yes I have and I feel great." I never know are they fishing to know exactly how much I've lost? I'll tell them I'm proud as I can be. Do they really not know what to say but feel like a comment must be made. Any thoughts?
(deactivated member)
on 2/12/08 2:16 am
Topic: RE: OMG, I'm such a glutton for punishment!!!
Totally not stupid. As you are quite obviously an intelligent woman. I could/would/have done exactly what you did. There is so much for me mixed up in being a compulsive eater. There is the obsession - which you discribed here. Having it first thing in the morning after it made you sick. I find I can get obsessed with food - no not carrots and broccoli. Once that obsession sets in... Katybar the door because I'm relentless. For me it isn't always sweet or all sweets. I made a key lime pie (ww style) the other day and it stayed in my freezer for days on end. I can't have graham crackers in the house - I eat them until they are gone! Outside of the obsession is the emotional stuff - wanting to eat over a feeling. With both of those food distortions going on in my head it is no wonder I was a heavyweight. The surgery doesn't fix our heads but I do think it lets them get cleared so that we can see what we are doing to give us more of a fighting chance to stop. Your post sounded so much like me that I had to respond. Trudy
on 2/11/08 11:07 pm
Topic: OMG, I'm such a glutton for punishment!!!
Ok, Gang, that title is obviously a take-off on poor Wanda's last post but it has to do with FOOD! I keep lugging this Beck Diet Solution book around but I haven't opened it in a few days or even done the daily homework. Life gets in the way even though I've sworn I would make working the program a priority. So, yesterday I spent TWO HOURS at the doctor to get that coritsone shot. Most of it was WAITING. Then, because he's a hand specialist, he tried to get one of the other orthos in to shoot my shoulder. Didn't happen so I have to bo back tomorrow for that and it will probably take another 2 hours. Even though I had food prepared at home, I just felt like GOING OUT! So, we did. I brought home plenty of leftovers so I didn't feel guilty about that but we stopped in the supermarket after dinner for me to pick up fruit and cottage cheese. WELL, I also picked up a carton of Edy's No Sugar Added lowfat Coffee flavored ice cream. Now, I know from past experience that I find it hard to avoid grazing out of a carton like that. I also know that sugar alcohols bother me. Of course, when I got home, I simply had to open the carton and TASTE it. One of the cardinal rules of Beck Diet Solution is not to eat standing up. Did I put my taste in a bowl and sit down to eat it? NO. Did I eat more than a taste? YES. Did I know I would have ill side effects? YES. Did I remind myself as I ate bite after bite? YES. Did I stop? NO. What happened? A rush to the brain of whatever - very strange feeling for me. I got upstairs, stripped down and jumped in bed. Instead of telling hubby what was going on, I just said I was SO COLD! My big cat came and laid down with me and we watched the Westminster Dog Show. That cat was watching those dogs! It was SO funny. My two dogs were in the upstairs den with hubby watching Prison Break! I fell asleep for about 10 minutes which is what happens when I suffer. A little after 9 I thought it was over and was pleased that it wasn't so bad. THEN, I started SWEATING. Has anyone ever had this? It was like the sweat from the hardest, hottest work out you've EVER had. I compare it to a summer time, humidity laden hard, harder, hardest Spinning workout I've ever had. Sweat dripping off my nose, hair soaking wet, back and t-shirt soaking, soaking wet. I got up and went to the computer to try and cool down and finally told my husband to touch my back. He was shocked and went and got a towel and started wiping me down! He took off my t-shirt and said it was soaked and needed washing! Then, it was over and I feel into a deep sleep on the couch for about 20 minutes! STRANGE! Ok, I learned my lesson, right? WRONG! What did I do first thing this morning? Grabbed that darned carton out and took just a FEW bites. No ill effects but it's more than obvious that I cannot have that ice cream in my house ever again. I have no willpower even knowing something isn't good for me. How stupid is that???!!!!! CeCe
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