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(deactivated member)
on 2/19/08 10:54 am - FL
Topic: RE: Just feeling sorry for myself
Hey CeCe, sorry your wrist is still giving you trouble. I did not get my stitches out today. The director of nurses was going to take them out for me, but she decided to have our medical director do it tomorrow instead. I think she doesn't want to hurt me since they are still sore. Yes..I'm still numb from the tummy tuck. Isn't that weird that we still are? I'm sure enjoying not having to deak with that extra skin though. I wish I had my back side done like you did! Wanda
on 2/19/08 9:45 am
Topic: RE: Home from my hernia and skin removal surgery
Alan, I'm so glad it went well! ELEVEN pounds is great and, knowing you, you'll lose more tahn the 15 or so the doc was expecting to remove anyway! Don't rush your recovery. Take care of yourself and please keep telling us about it! I think I'll check your profile to see if you have new updates! CeCe
on 2/19/08 9:43 am
Topic: RE: Just feeling sorry for myself
OUCH!!! No more hedge trimmers for you! I cringed just reading that so I cannot imagine going through it. It's Tuesday now, did you get the stitches out? I've been bummed out about my wrist being painful after my wrist surgery and my cortisone shot last week but knowing what you are going through sure makes my situation pale in comparison. I hope your PS is totally correct and all the nerves regenerate in your fingers. Speaking of nerve regeneration, are your nerves in your tummy back to normal yet? I'm still pretty numb from the LBL but I am noticing more and more feeling. CeCe
on 2/19/08 9:37 am
Topic: RE: So hard to ask for what we want!
Wanda, I hear you and YES! I've always had trouble speaking up for what I deserve. I'm very proud of you for doing so and I'm happy that you got the raise you deserved in the first place. And, I have no doubt that not having the courage to ask for what we have wanted and deserved in the past is linked to our previous weight. I think we subconsciously thought we didn't deserve some things or we expected people to see that we deserved something and stuffed the anger when they didn't "reward" us. Either way, many of us suffered from depression which is basically anger turned inward. Instead of being able to speak out, we punished ourselves. Again, Wanda, I'm proud that you asked and got and while I know it was stressful and you may not have handled it as smoothly as you would have liked, you DID STAND UP FOR YOURSELF and that's a positive change. You got practice in doing it. Next time it will be easier and less stressful. I remember handling something very similar in writing years ago and I regretted not doing it in person so I'm glad you spoke to him (or her) face to face! How are you going to spend that raise?! CeCe
on 2/19/08 9:26 am
Topic: RE: Weekly Weigh In week of 2/18/08
Kim, You have a small build and you looked great at 114 so I think picking 120 as your goal is a great one! I'm so happy to hear how well you are "filling" out and looking healthy. I guess having the feeding tube attached for 12 hours is a big pain but that's better than 24 hours!!!! I'd forgotten you have acid reflux AND gall bladder issues! God, Kim, you have had so much to endure! CeCe
(deactivated member)
on 2/19/08 9:23 am - FL
Topic: So hard to ask for what we want!
I had the most stressful experience today. I had to tell my boss that I was very disappointed with my pay raise. It was so hard to tell him what I wanted. Why is it so hard to ask for what we want? My nerves are still in bundles! It didn't help matters that we both ended up getting mad at the other! I wish I would have done it in writting so we didn't end up saying things that we might regret. I really do love my boss and I love my job. But, I still think I deserved the bigger raise (which I ended up getting!) Some how I think not being able to ask for I want is directly linked to my becoming fat in the first place! Emotions shouldn't cause this much stress~ Do you guys have problems with calmly and assertively asking for what you want? I'm going to work on that! Wanda
on 2/19/08 2:53 am - Oregon City, OR
Topic: RE: Weekly Weigh In week of 2/18/08
I'm on the tube at night only. I'm actually off it more than 12 hours a day, even though the doc said 12 off. I seem to be maintaining around 110-111. So maybe I should step up the tube feed a bit to put a few more pounds on. The eating is going ok. I had a few rough days where I didn't feel like eating. I get this heavy feeling or my acid reflux is bad and causes that pain in my throat and food just sits there. But overall, the eating is going better. I seem to be able to digest some things better than I was a few weeks ago. I still need to be careful about some things, but I am able to eat just a bit more, quantity wise. I am glad I'm approaching my goal. I actually adjusted my goal to 120 from 125, so it probably looks like I'm getting there faster. But looking at where I am now, I think 120 will be good. I'm surprised at how I've filled out. My legs are looking much better, with only a few wrinkles under my butt, but the inside thighs have filled out again and I don't have hollows and wrinkles there and around my knees anymore. Also, my arms don't look anorexic anymore either. I actually look alot like I did in my wedding photos, which was at 114 lbs. So I'm close. I think 120 will be good. I will have to see when I get there.
on 2/19/08 2:35 am
Topic: RE: Weekly Weigh In week of 2/18/08
Kim, I'm so impressed that you are back in the normal range and only 9 pounds from your goal! You have sure gone through hell to get there. I hope the job situation goes well and you get all that you want and deserve in that department. At least you are not upset about Henry losing that job and you know he can go back to his original line of work and earn good money! You didn't mention how much your are having to use the feeding tube this week. Is eating regularly going any better than before? I know the feeding tube must be HORRIBLE to deal with (and watch for infection since it is sore - I know you are!) but thank God for that tube because it may have saved your life! It's enabled you to get back to this point. I just wish your gall bladder would settle down and give you a break since you can't have it taken out right now!!! Kim, you deserve some really BORING weeks and months in the health area!!!! CeCe
on 2/19/08 2:30 am
Topic: RE: Weekly Weigh In week of 2/18/08
Trudy, Yesterday just prior to my hair appointment, I read your post and replied to it. I must have hurried out of the house before making sure it went through because it isn't here! I feel so bad about the beagles and would love to take one but my alpha Min Pin loves to intimidate Beagles! Beagles are so easy going that I think my Min Pin sees a big "SUBMISSIVE" sign on many Beagles! They are great dogs! I was so touched by your post that I wrote a reply from my heart and then it didn't go through! I just wanted to tell you that I "hear" you and understand all that you wrote with all my heart. I'm sure most of us know all too well exactly how you are feeling. In fact, a week or so ago I think I posted that something is going on with me but I don't know what. I'm feeling disconnected or discontent as if I'm just going through the motions of life. I know something is up with me too. I'm wondering, Trudy, is any of what we are going through has to do with post-WLS or post-PS "blues." Our lives have been changing SO FAST and now things are slowing down a bit, we are settling in to these new lives. I know food and my feelings and dealings with food are scaring me too. For a year after WLS, I felt like my food issues had disappeared. I couldn't eat THAT much, I had not tasted pure sugar and my cravings weren't back. Now, I seem to be in a panic all the time that food is the enemy, that I'm out of control in regard to food and I'm most scared of regaining weight. The more I worry about all of it, the more I think about food, the more I want to snack and eat mindlessly. When I'm eating one meal or snack, I'm thinking about what I can eat the next meal or snack. I find myself rationalizing more and more about food choices. Yet, like you, Trudy, I know when I'm "stewing" over something, I feed myself. The problem is, I seem to be stewing over everything but I know I'm not clinically depressed. I've experienced that enough. I'm just feeling a basic overall discontentment with life flying by and not feeling like I'm living it to the fullest. Maybe that has something to do with my age and just now getting to be in the shape of my life. I don't know. So, Trudy, this is just to let you know you are not alone but in reading all your posts, I know you have the strength and the insight to deal with the issue. You take the time to analyze what is going on and you don't just feel like a victim, you seek solutions! No, you are certainly not a failure! You are a strong woman who will find solutions. All of us on this board are hitting that next level of our journey and we all have to seek solutions to our ongoing food issues. We have to stay strong as a November 06 board to support each other, vent, and keep ourselves on track with tips and posts! CeCe
on 2/19/08 2:13 am
Topic: RE: Weekly Weigh In week of 2/18/08
Susan, You will see 139 on the scale! I want to see 129 even if just once!!! Sounds like we (Susan and CeCe) are the ones standing in the way of seeing those numbers on the scale! Carbs are trying to defeat us!! Yes, we need carbs to live but we need good carbs and good carbs aren't the ones tempting us, are they? Ok, let's make a deal to get to the "other side" and celebrate our victories over carbs! WE CAN DO THIS!!! When we are tempted, we need to remember each other's struggle and give each other strength!!! CeCe
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