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Topic: RE: Weekly Weigh In week of 2/25
Hi All,
Sorry I haven't checked in for a while, work has been crazy lately. I've been doing pretty good during the week, but like others I'm having a hard time on weekends. Am working on it.
Starting weight 349
3weeks ago = 190
This week = 189
Loss this week = 1
Total loss = 160
Topic: RE: Weekly Weigh In week of 2/25
You have a lot going on right now! Hopefully, Henry will be able to step back into his old line of work fairly easily. Has he made steps to do so?
With your employer saving your job at least you can ease back into work without having to search for a new job. I hope the transition back to work goes easily.
Good luck with the budgeting stuff. Was any of your most recent surgery paid by your insurance?
Topic: RE: Weekly Weigh In week of 2/25
So many of us seem to be having grazing issues! I wonder if it has anything to do with the weather? I still think it's post-holiday/vacation with me. I'm still having a heck of a time getting back on track! Have fun traveling and celebrating the 5th birthday!!! I'm so glad you are posting again!
Topic: RE: Weekly Weigh In week of 2/25
I'm happy to hear your new medicine works for the ulcer! Why do we sometimes have such a hard time sticking to a way of eating that we know works for us? I know I can't handle the carbs because they trigger me! Keep plugging away, I plan to!
Topic: RE: Weekly Weigh In week of 2/25
I'm 5'4" too so I know what you are talking about! I'm glad to hear that marriage counseling is making a difference!
Topic: RE: Weekly Weigh In week of 2/25
I have to ditto Trudy. You aren't bad! When I see/hear/read others being so negative about themselves, I want to hug them and tell them not to be so hard on themselves. Yet, I do it and I know we all do at times. It's a pattern we really have to work on because it keeps us in a rut - punishing ourselves. Shawn, your last two weeks may not have been good. You are under a lot of stress with your husband's work situation and maybe you feel guilty that you had to give up your job when you had to make the choice to TAKE CARE OF YOU! I can only imagine how much you are worrying right now but please, please remember to take care of yourself first. Don't stress out so much that you stop taking your meds or don't get enough sleep or focus so much on the current situation that you let depression take hold. Your family needs you to reassure them that you all are going to make it through this. Stay occupied! Do family things that don't cost money! If the weather is good take walks with the kids. Do something to get your mind off your problems and food! We care - keep posting and venting. Hey, look how inspiring Valorie is to us all right now! She felt she was losing control so she made a plan, followed it and lost SIX pounds in a week! I don't think I've ever lost 6 pounds in a week but you and I can make a plan and work it and see what success we'll have! Keep posting, Shawn, don't isolate!
Topic: RE: Weekly Weigh In week of 2/25
It's great to hear from you and WOW! 3 pounds! Did you change something to get such a great loss? I can't remember if we've heard from you since Christmas. If not, was it a hard holiday for you after your loss? How are you doing?
Topic: RE: Weekly Weigh In week of 2/25
Weekends are hard, aren't they? It's too easy to go with the flow! I think I'm getting big hints about the liquid days!!! I have to buckle down and do it!
Topic: RE: Weekly Weigh In week of 2/25
WOW! You took control, you planned, you followed your plan and you got rewarded - big time! WOW! Six pounds at this point!! There's no stopping you now! You will hit ONEderland very, very soon.
I'm so happy for you, Valorie! No one deserves it more! Keep up the hard work!
Topic: RE: Weekly Weigh In week of 2/25
I know you were disappointed that you gave into the ice cream but pat yourself on the back for avoiding ALL the other temptations! And, you probably ate a lot less ice cream there than you would have at home ( remember me last week and the sugar free ice cream?!). And, ice cream is soft!!!! And, it does have a little protein!!!! Ok, I'll shut up! At least you didn't gain!
I need to do the 5 Day or at least a few days like you did. I've done almost a full day but I need to do the couple of days to get myself back into control. I think I talked about the English muffins last week. Well, I found some 100 calorie English muffins with 5 grams of fiber and thought that was JUST GREAT! Yeah, unless bread is a trigger food which it is for me. I know it is and I still bought them. The only excuse I have is that I'm in Hormone Hell this week and I CRAVE carbs when I am. I guess there could be worse choices but I have yet again proven to myself that I can't keep bread in the house.
My stats are the same. My lowest point was 130.50 this week. I'm up a bit today due to bloating/fluid retention due to hormones. Happens every month!