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on 2/26/08 8:47 pm - Long Island, NY
Topic: RE: Weekly Weigh In week of 2/25
Glad to hear that you are doing good during the week! I think many of us STRUGGLE when we are not busy busy busy! I dpo much better when my days are FULL However, another pound is gone for you ... YOU ARE DOING SOMETHING RIGHT! terrific! Hugs, Britt
on 2/26/08 8:46 pm - Long Island, NY
Topic: RE: Weekly Weigh In week of 2/25
How exciting! Go Pattie! whoooo hoooo another pound GONE!
on 2/26/08 8:44 pm - Long Island, NY
Topic: RE: Weekly Weigh In week of 2/25
Julie, glad you had a fun time camping. Congrat on the marriage counseling (prayers your way!) WOW 138 - 1 pound loss while "away" you are amazing! Congrats hjave a great week! I love your new Avatar~
on 2/26/08 8:42 pm - Long Island, NY
Topic: RE: Weekly Weigh In week of 2/25
I bet your weight dropped MOSTLY because you made good choices! Soon enough you will be back at the gym! Hang in ther and HEAL! 133 YOU ROCK! hugs, Britt
on 2/26/08 8:40 pm - Long Island, NY
Topic: RE: Something I never considered doing...
that is fabulous! I wanna try this! I need to investigate this .... I'm sure my hubby will LOVE this idea! he he he Whoopoo Hooooo Phyllis
on 2/26/08 8:39 pm - Long Island, NY
Topic: RE: Today I promise myself that ......
CeCe, Great post! I am guilty of this too. Me and another OH friend have talked about this. We CANNOT talk down and beat ourselves up ... we need to SPOT the good things we do and give a few ATTA GIRLS - most times we find and focus on what we didn't do right and beat ourselves up over it - FOR A LONG TIME. Does it help? NO! It probably has the REVERSE effect We should treat our bodys with respecet and eat right and exercise ...because *we DESERVE* it We are *WORTH IT* HAVE A POSITIVE DAY, Britt
on 2/26/08 7:17 am
Topic: RE: Weekly Weigh In week of 2/25
Pattie, yeah! Another pound down! Wish we would hear from you more often! CeCe
on 2/26/08 7:16 am
Topic: RE: Weekly Weigh In week of 2/25
Wanda, I think you've lost weight too! I doubt you've lost THAT much muscle!!! And, it won't take long to build it back. YOU LOST FAT TOO, Wanda! I hope you can get back to strength training too though! CeCe
on 2/26/08 6:50 am
Topic: RE: Today I promise myself that ......
Trudy, You are right that learning to love, respect and cherish yourself is one of the hardest lessons. It's one I've journaled about, talked about in therapy, bought and read so many books focusing on that subject and still it's a lesson that I cannot seem to master totally. Oh, I'm so much better than I ever was. I guess part of that comes with age but it's still not natural for me. I laughed about your comment you were paying WW to tell you what to do! I went to WW, Nutrisystem and just about everything! What I always discovered was that I knew more than they did about nutrition - I just wasn't doing what I knew to do and it showed more on me than many people!!! It's still amazing to me that personal trainers, fitness instructors, nutritionists and exercise physiologists sometimes know so little about nutrition. And, doctors? What a laugh! So, yeah, we know what to do for sure! I just wish I knew what makes it so hard to keep on the right track when we know what our triggers are, we know what works and doesn't work and know our patterns!!! They say insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting different results! I think I still expect differert results!!!! Trudy, I also eat when I'm sick or not feeling well. Some people don't eat when sick but I've always viewed it as a free for all!!! I've examined this for years and I think I "enjoyed" being sick because my mother took the time to pay attenton to me then. She's a caretaker and she felt she was doing something good if she coddled us when we were sick. One way of doing that was with food. So, I associate caring for myself with food when I'm not feeling well. Like you, I can have delicious, healthy food right there but will choose something else!! Oh, how complicated it is to be our own cheerleaders when we carry all this baggage!! Oh, I just had a vision of cheerleaders in front of a crowded stadium attempting to cheer while holding huge suitcases!!! That's us! We can't soar off the ground and express our joy when we are carrying all that baggage! Now, think about them dropping those suitcases and kicking them away so they can CHEER and be free! I like that vision! No matter what our baggage is filled with, we can leave it behind. Kick it to the curb! Don't let it weigh us down. We've lost so much physical weight, let's lose the inner baggage that continues to haunt us and weigh us down. CeCe
on 2/26/08 6:33 am
Topic: RE: Today I promise myself that ......
Valorie, I have to quote you here because what you said is worth repeating. You wrote: "We can choose to see our commitment to health as deprivation or we can choose to see it as doing what is best for our body, mind and spirit." That is AWESOME because I think we do often see it as deprivation! We know we feel better when we eat better. We know we like the number on the scale more when we are eating better. We know we feel better about ourselves when we eat better and we feel guilty when we make bad choices so why is it so hard not to feel deprived?! Very few people on this earth can eat what they want anytime they want it and even if it doesn't show on the outside with weight gain, it shows up on the inside! And, you are so right when you say you would never treat others the way you treat yourself! We would never DREAM of doing so! Why is it so easy to treat ourselves so badly?! I've said it for years in my journal, to old friends and new, this whole journey is about choices and being conscious of and responsible for those choices and all of that has to be tempered with self love and fighting the belief that we have to be perfect. Good post, Valorie! CeCe
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