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Topic: RE: Weekly Weigh In week of 3/3/08
Good Morning Britt and all my Nov. buddies. I love this board it is nice to have people who are near the same place in their journey as me.
Britt I am so sorry about your gain I know that is a hard one to face. Sometimes I know I don't want to get on that scale but I have to face the music. Avoiding the scale is one way I got where I was - no a major one but I for sure didn't weigh myself.
My weight doesn't reflect it yet but I am not happy with my food choices. Maybe I need to think about the pouch test too. Gosh I hate liquid diets!!!
Starting weight 358
Last week = 168
This week = 167.5
Loss this week = .5
Total loss = 190.5
Love the quote Britt.
Topic: RE: Weekly Weigh In week of 3/3/08
Ahhh Yeah I 2nd the girl scout cookies,
donate the $3.50 to Girl scouts, but DON'T BUY them. I have 2 nieces in Girl scouts, so these darn thin mints have been here for 2 weeks now.If only I bought the ones w/ coconut in them I would have NO problem..I HATE coconut!! NO MORE THIN MINTS FOR ME!!!
Topic: RE: Weekly Weigh In week of 3/3/08
Hello Britt, Don't get yourself down, we all slip now & then. You'll get back on track. It's good we realize when were slipping back into old/bad habits & we CAN ALL get back on track. It's an effort EVERY DAY that we ALL need to make. No one ever said this was going to be an easy journey.
I LOVE your quote of the day, I need to put that on a wall somewhere & think about that every day.
Hope you all have a good week, me...I worked ALL weekend long & hubby & kids had free run of the house & needless to say it looks like animals lived here all weekend, so I will spend my 1 day off this week cleaning, grocery shopping & doing laundry ~ YUCK!!!
Not a bad or good week, nothing lost, nothing gained.
Starting weight 259
Last week = 138
This week = 138
Loss this week =0
Total loss = 121
Current BMI = 23.7
Topic: RE: Weekly Weigh In week of 3/3/08
I've been having a real struggle also. I have't been exercising because of this stupid sinus infection and haven't a large gain until this week. I thought long and hard about not fessing up but I'm going to because you are my accountability so I have to be honest with all of you.
So I'm back on track exercising this week. I'm attending an all day conference on Wednesday so food will be a challange there. I do know they have a wide variety of teas which helped me last time I was there.
Starting weight =298.5
Last week = 159.2
This week = 161.2
Gain this week = 2.0
Total loss = 137.3
Current BMI = 29.5
I was watching Big Medicine last week and one thing that Dr. Garth said was You are making a lifestyle change and WLS will help you do it. I have to remember it is a tool and I still have to put forth the effort to maintain my weight loss, I am never going back to the way I was.
Kudos to everyone doing the 5 day pouch I made it 3 days and the struggle was just too much for me so I'm going back to really paying attention to what I'm putting into my mouth. Do not buy Girl Scout cookies they go down way to easy.
Everyone have a fabulous week
Topic: RE: Did you know?
Oh WOW??????????????????
You mean since we've had "the surgery" we can just do whatever we want?!?!
Maybe that's my problem
I am exercising
and watching what I eat
silly me!
Topic: RE: 5 day pouch test
I am starting day one ofthe 5dpt today -
I will complete it
I tried it in the past and didn't complete it.
I need to do this and get back on track.
I have been having bad food dayssssss UGH!
How is it going so far?
Topic: Weekly Weigh In week of 3/3/08
Hello November Buddies,
The scale was not pretty this morning. I had a hard week food wise *It was not good* and the scale let me know it this morning. Thinking about it and talking to myself about it. I realized that I have let some old bad habits creep back into my life and there are days when I am just not doing the right thing for *me*. I know this has to stop. I revisited my Rules 2 Live by and added them to my blog as a reminder.
Example - pre op - I said I was going to eliminate caffeine - I did for the first 6 months post op. Then I discover Achievone protein drinks (they have caffeine) I talked to my NUT about them and she said that was fine to have 1 a day. Then I had a cup of caffeinated out here and there and before I knew it I was buying regular coffee and drinking a lot of it. So I am now back to decaffeinated coffee and tea only.
I have to keep in mind... there are many people who would love to have this surgery and can't for whatever reason. I must Honor my tool and myself by following the rules, day in and day out!
How are you guys doing? Anyone else realized that some old bad habits have slipped back into your life? What are you doing about it?
Tell us, share, inspire.
I cannot even bring myself to post this gain. Its not good!!!! So I am opting out this week.
Here we go ...
Starting weight
Last week =
This week =
Loss this week =
Total loss =
Current BMI =
Quote of the Day
"Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference."
- Virginia Satir
Topic: RE: 5 day pouch test
Good Luck Valorie... I don't think I could do it.... Actually I probably could if I HAD to, but I don't want to... LOL... Actually I should probably give it a go one of these days to get myself back on track.... We shall see...
Well anyway... best of luck to you... can't wait to hear how it turns out for you....
Topic: RE: Inquiring minds want to know.
I have to admit that I am too cheap to buy the 100 cal pack snacks. I always look at the amount of food you get in the regular packs and think it is a waste. Of course that is probably one of the reasons I became obese too. Always looking to get the most food for the buck. Now a days I try to package my own low or 100 calorie snacks. I would probably save more time than money if I just bought the prepackaged.
Just one of those things I can't get my mind around.
Thanks for sharing!
Topic: RE: 5 day pouch test
The sausage and pumpkin soup is YUMMO! The only thing I would change about this recipe is the sour cream. I would just garnish each bowl with a spoon of sour cream. When you add it into the hot pot of soup, it looks sort of curdled. It tastes great, but the appearance suffers.
I also made the split pea with ham. I haven't tried it yet but it looks great too.
I think these soups will help me make it through 2 days of liquids.