Happy New Year! Where is everyone?
Just wanted to wish everyone a very happy new year....
Wondering where everyone has been the past few weeks.... I miss reading the posts and seeing how everyone is doing......
Well, here is wishing everyone a terrific 2009!!!!!
(((((((((((((((((((HUGS 2 ALL)))))))))))))))))
Shawn - Lap RNY 11/16/06
319/169/185/204 - 5' 7" Starting/Goal/Lowest/Current
You look great!! And your little baby (must be your grand baby) just looks so very cuddle. I love
I was wondering where every one is at myself. Britt was posting how she was doing almost everyday and now she must be really involved in the holidays. Me I have been out in outer space, my sister says that I am always on "Pluto"
I have not been doing very well with my journey, but I am going to get on track again, even if I have to sew my lips together, I don't want to go back to where I was, ever. I am happy where I am at and I would like to stay that way. I need the support of all my Nov 06 friends, I think that we all need someone, and there is no better place that this site.
How have you been doing and how are you feeling? I do hope that you are well and that you have gotten a hand on your depression again. I know from "being there, done that" that depression is no fun. Depression can lay dormant for years and all of a sudden pop its head up when we least expect it. Our daughter is going though a bout with it now and I just pray for her, (like I do you) that she does not go as deep as I did with it. I stuttered, could not carry on a conversation, was so out of control. I finally gave mine to the Lord and I try to let Him deal with it, I know that it is easier said that done, but keep up the faith and it will happen. I am by "no means cured" and it scares me.
My weight has been up and down up and down and that scares me as well. I went to the site that people are going for revisions and only four or five years out and let me tell you that scared me even more to read what they had to say. So it is "watch what I eat, drink water, water, and protein and that ole cuss word "excercise"
Better get going, I am so glad that you posted, and was glad to hear from you, at least now I know for sure that I am not out on the planted Pluto like my sister says that I am.

Yes Chrissy, that is my grandson.... He is just too cute for words..... I can't get enough of him... I just wish my DIL would bring him over more often.... I was really sick on Christmas eve and Christmas day so I didn't get the pictures I wanted to then, or I would have had more pictures of me with Evan (my grandson)....
I think I have a pretty good handle on the depression.... I get down here and there, but I think that is pretty normal with having a son in Iraq and another in Texas, and I didn't get to see either of them over the holidays.... Normally my son in Texas comes up over the holiday break, but his dad and step mom couldn't afford the airfare this year, and we are so broke that we can barely afford to keep our house right now...
I am Waaaayyyy off track... my weight has gone up, but at least since I have been home from the hospital, in November, it has been steady.... I was down to 176 (I think) at one point, but now I am up to 223.... It does fluctuate from day to day, but it mostly stays right around there.... I try to eat better, but right now with our finances the way that they are I have to eat the food that we get from the food bank and that is it, which is a lot of pasta, pasta and more pasta.... pancakes for breakfast (we get the mix from the food bank) and who knows for lunch.. usually more pasta.... It is so hard to eat right when you can't even go to the store to buy food... The only thing in our budge it milk and bread for the kids.... I tell you what, I have never been much of a pasta eater, and I am really hating this.... I love my meat and I just can't eat it very often, we do have a turkey in our freezer, that I am gonna cook up soon, At least that will help some, but I can only eat so much turkey and I get sick of it... Know what I mean???
I had planned on bringing my treadmill back into the house when I took my Christmas tree down the other day, but that didn't happen... LOL... I set up my sewing table instead so I could work on some projects that I have left sitting and sitting and sitting.... I know I should have gotten the treadmill in, but I am glad that I have my sewing table in a place where I can finally use it again....
Well, I am rambling (I can be good at that), and I think I hear the kiddos calling my name....
Hope you and everyone has a wonderful day!!!!!
Hugs to All,
Shawn - Lap RNY 11/16/06
319/169/185/204 - 5' 7" Starting/Goal/Lowest/Current