Anyone Out There????

on 8/27/08 1:18 pm - Pinckney, MI

Just seems like no one is posting... I know I am just as guilty... but I come here every day looking for advice, guidance or just chat to see where everyone is, and lately there is nothing......


I am up on my weight... not proud of that, but hat is the fact...


I started at 309 .... , my lowest weight was 178 but I am now at 210..... I really need the support of my friends here.... I am on track and focusing on protein but the scale does not seem to be going down....


School is starting for my younger kiddos, my older one is a senior this year and my oldest is shipping off to Iraq in September (so we have heard)... I really hope he doesn't have to go, but I will keep you all posted...


I can't wait to see my grandson again.. but of course when I see him that will mean that my son has been shipped of to Iraq so it will be bittersweet....

 I can't wait for school to start.. this will be the first year I have ALL my kids in school.... (or out if you count my adult


Hope to hear from every one or anyone......


Talk to you soon....




Shawn - Lap RNY 11/16/06
319/169/185/204 - 5' 7"  Starting/Goal/Lowest/Current

on 8/28/08 10:27 pm, edited 8/28/08 10:28 pm - Long Island, NY
hi Shawn!

I've been away too - trying to squeeze all the FUN we can into the last days of summer. My oldest is starting full day Kindergarten this year. Exciting and sad, I am going to miss her like crazy.

First, I want to say BRAVO to you for saying - I gained, this is where I am at and I need some help. I found this year very challenging - the scale has been up and down , up and down, I struggled to get it back in control. It was not easy at all and took months.

Suggestions -
Maybe with all the kids in school, you can -
commit to a 5 day a week exercise routine - push your self
clean out your pantry / cabinets and rid the stuff that tempts you
pay close attention to what *you* buy "for the kids" (I have self sabotaged myself numerous times saying "i'll buy this for the kids" ) truth is they could care less and don't mind the healthier options that I put in their place - and there are pleanty of choices for them.
up your water
limit your carbs (try for only good ones)
LOG everything I am using a new site I love it! check it out.
take your measurements and retake them in a month after eating right and an exercise plan you will love the results!
recommit to yourself
ask yourself - do you want to go back to the prision of MO?

You can do this Shawn!!!
Nope, it is not easy and YES! it is hard and it sucks that we are on adiet still after RNY - I know *for me* after all my research and talking to people - i thouhght one i was at goal - i would care less about food - how wrong I was!  It is a daily fight / struggle for me.

but I
exercise everyday
drink a gallon of water
take my vitamins / supplements
log all my food and activity
make choices that honor me - and allow me to maintain my healthy life

still sometimse I fall, I am not perfect - but I still remain determined!!

YOU would not have posted this unless you wanted to CHANGE and reach your goals,

make a plan Shawn and stick to it.

I am here to help and CHEERING you on all the way!


  Nothing - tastes as good as it feels -to be at my ideal weight :)    
Lap RNY 11-6-06
at goal 10-6-07 - Attacking my regain 2013
                        Mommy to 3 princesses ~ Wife to Paul

     I'm a "before and after" in OH magazine (January / February 2008)

on 8/29/08 1:57 am - Pinckney, MI

Thanks so much Britt!!!!  I Have been wondering where you have been.... I have missed everyone here so much....


You are so right about me needing to get things back on track once the kids get back to school... I will only have 4 days out of the week where they are all in school though, but I still need to get into some sort of routine.... My biggest problem I think is the grazing I do, but I have been really good the past couple of days and it has shown on the scale already....

It does suck that we still have to be so watchful of our intake of food and everything... I knew RNY was not going to be a magic pill and wouldn't solve all the problems, but I also didn't think I would have so many struggles to keep the weight off.... I am just glad I have this board to come to when I am struggling and get support here (even if it does take a couple days lately...LOL)


We need to get back to posting.... seems like everyone has disappeared....


Well, it is lunch time here and I need to figure out what I am doing for the kids and for me.... Thanks again Britt for all your wise words and your support... It really means a lot to me....




Shawn - Lap RNY 11/16/06
319/169/185/204 - 5' 7"  Starting/Goal/Lowest/Current

(deactivated member)
on 8/29/08 8:40 am - FL
We have all been so bad about posting lately!  We will soon be at our two year mark, so we should stay together to celebrate that big mile marker!  It took a lot of courage for you to step forward and make this post.  I'm sorry that you are struggling.  You've mentioned before that you drink wine.  I know every time I do, I end up eating wrong.  I just lose my resolve too easily with even one sip of wine.  Do you think that might be happening to you too?

Britt's advice is excellent, as always.  I second everything that she said, especially the exercise part.  I've been getting in at least one hour, five days per week.  Sometimes more, but at least one hour.  I have a personal policy that I won't go to wor****il I burn at least 400 calories.  I've been late for work a few times because of it! 

My weight went up to 146, so I took some drastic actions and went to a diet doctor.  He put me on a diet that was completely carb-free for two weeks.  They were monitoring me to make sure I went into ketosis.  I lost weight, but I couldn't exercise because I was weak and tired.  I felt terrible.  I went off the diet and gained the weight back.  Sounds just like the old days, right?

Then I decided that it was more important to me to be strong and well...buff!  I went back on carbs and increased my exercise intensity.  I started basically eating 6 meals per day balancing carbs and protein (approximately 30 cabs & 15 gms of protein).  This seems to work for me very well.  I feel great and I have never been so muscular!  I'm at 142 now, but I'm ok with that.  I would rather weigh more and have muscles that weigh less and feel weak. 

Keep fighting the fight.  Don't go back.  Turn it around for your health and for your peace of mind.  You can and WILL do it!
on 8/29/08 9:13 am - Pinckney, MI

WTG Wanda!!!!! Way to focus yourself.... You ROCK!!!!!

It is great to hear from you... I am on this site every day, and it just seems like we are all drifting away, we need to stay united and continue to support each other... I know that I need the support of my November buddies....

 I know what you mean about the wine, and lately that has not even been an issue... #1 we can't afford it, #2 I don't NEED it, #3 we can't afford it, and #4 It is all empty calories.... Oh and did I mention we really can't afford it... LOL..... There are days that I really miss it, but then I just have a huge glass of water or make a yogurt smoothie....

 Remember back before WLS.. those "fad" diets never worked.... well, they did but the weight came back on... Don't fall back into that old trap... You may want to be smaller than what you are, but the main thing is that you are healthy and fit.... I wish I could get myself down as small as you are... I know that will never happen though, with my build and frame, but I still want to get down to around 170.... I would be jumping for joy... My family seems to think that is too small and they like that I have put a few pounds back on... They seem to think I was getting too thin, but I don't think a size 10/12 was too thin....

I am regrouping though and cooking more protein and grazing less, so hopefully that will help..... One of my biggest issues (I don't think I have mentioned this before), is that I take a sleeping pill at night... well, many nights I will get up in the middle of the night and make myself a snack... and not a good one either... I don't remember doing it, I just have the evidence of the dishes or the mess all over my bed or night gown... One night I fell back asleep with my hand in a bowl of melted cheese.... OMG!!!!! What a mess when I woke up, and I didn't even remember it happening.... But without the meds, I only sleep like 2 hours a night.... It is pretty frustrating....

Well, anyway..... I have got to go figure out dinner and give the kiddos their baths.... It was great hearing from you Wanda.... Keep up the good work.... I wish we lived down the street from each other so you could be my workout buddy or something like that.... I really need someone to help get me moving again....  Talk to you soon!!!!!

Let's GET POSTING!!!!!!!!



Shawn - Lap RNY 11/16/06
319/169/185/204 - 5' 7"  Starting/Goal/Lowest/Current

(deactivated member)
on 8/29/08 9:49 am - FL
Oh no, the dreaded sleep eating!  I know this seems like my standard answer to everything...but extensive exercise will help your sleep.  Be sure you are getting enough sunshine too.  I received a $100,000 grant from a state agency to study the effects of exercise, sunshine, and nutritional and health education related to the elderly.  You would be amazed at the results.  We are proving that less sleep meds are needed, patients fall less, and have improved feeling of well-being.

Be careful with those powerful sleep meds.  They can be dangerous.

on 8/30/08 2:44 am - Pinckney, MI

Thanks Wanda... I appreciate your input and the information.... I will have to work on that.... Seems like I have a lot of work ahead of me lately.... LOL....  

 Off to work on more and more laundry.... Hope to hear from you again soon...



Shawn - Lap RNY 11/16/06
319/169/185/204 - 5' 7"  Starting/Goal/Lowest/Current

on 9/1/08 4:23 am - Sutherlin, OR
Hello Shawn and everyone of my November friends and buddies,
Shawn I have to give you a big, you stepped up to the plate (as it were) and admitted to your self and the rest of the world that you LIKE ME and the rest have slipped back into our old routine of gazing and not eating the right stuff.
I went to my surgeons on the 27 of this month, a little over my 18 month mark, I have lost 1 lb since Feb 2008, so that puts me at 143 worth of poundage.  I stay between 139 and 145, I would love to stay at the 140 mark.  I started out at 255 on the day of my RYN, my highest was 260, I do not want to go back there every. 
I DO ALOT OF GAZING, DON'T LIKE IT AND I KNOW BETTER.  I weigh every other day, I have too, it keeps me accountable for myself.  I go to my monthly support group meetings, that I love dearly, some of the girls and guys really know what they are talking about and the give me hints about everything, keep up with vi****er, protein,  I try to stay at my 3 to 5 oz of food per meal, it is the gazing that is killing me.  I try to get in my excersise,  with the type of work that I do I get plenty of excersise also included in that.
I need this November board, very badly, all the girls here support me in one way or the other, just to hear that "I AM NOT ALONE" really helps me.
As for the sleep pills, after my last surgery, the doctor gave me sleep pills and I only took them a couple of times because I always read the fine print and lo and behold it says "that you could sleep walk, drive and eat and not even know that you did all these things the next day"  so read the fine print and maybe you are getting this eating and not knowing from your sleep pills.
I wish all of us were closer together as well so we could just put our arms around each other and give us a great big hug I know that always makes me feel better and I dont even have to have a reason for the hug.
My daughter is doing well, she started out at 242 on Aug 31 2007 and she is down to 129 and is 5'6, I think it is to thin, but she said not for her, but she is so buff now, I had a 34 year head start on her with the untone muscles.
I just thank our good Lord everyday for this surgery and that we all came though it so well and blessed.
Like me girls, we are going to have to show each other support and try to post more, even if it to say "HI"  Shawn I am so proud of you for being so very honest , I know that it will help me hearing that I am not alone, any time you want to spill it I am here as I know the rest of the girls are, I know it opened my eyes up as well.  Sorry that this is so very long.






on 9/3/08 11:50 pm - Pinckney, MI

Thanks Crissy.... I am so glad to hear how well your daughter is doing... and how well you are doing keeping your weight stable.... I guess I little grazing won't hurt, as long as it is healthy stuff and your weight is maintaining... once that scale starts to go up, something has to go.... LOL  I have been really good the past couple of nights when I get my munchies, instead of chips or crackers I have been having carrots.... Yeah me!!!!  LOL....  IT is definitely a life long struggle that we will all have.... I just HATE that.... grrrrrrrrrrrr.....

Well, keep up the good work and keep posting... we NEED each other....




Shawn - Lap RNY 11/16/06
319/169/185/204 - 5' 7"  Starting/Goal/Lowest/Current

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