Frustrated in New Hampshire 8/2/08
Hello! I am the type of person who sees the glass 1/2 full (not 1/2 empty) but lately I am at my wit's end and am getting tired of the runaround from my doctors. My RNY gastric bypass was 11/2006, done in NC. Due to my husband's relocation for work, we moved 2-weeks post op. I flew back to Charlotte for my 6-month post-op checkup. I still have not found a surgeon to follow my gastric bypass in NH. I am almost at my 2-yr post op mark. I am having GI issues and found a GI doctor in Nashua (where I live). I have been going through test after test only to find that my iron level is very low. There may be a problem witht he valve leading from the bladder and I have three new ulcers in the colon. And I thought child birth was the most degrading and embarrassing thing! Who knew! I continue to take vitamin after vitamin and all of my medication (I have fibromyalgia, arthritis & high blood pressure). With my weight loss, I was able to stop CPAP, no longer have high cholesterol and all of the other issues were resolved. I truly believe my RNY was the best thing for me. I work part time with no benefits. Thank God for my husband's job, since we get health benefits from there. I wish someone would get on board and open communication with the bariatric surgeon community and GI and PCPs. Now that I've had my say, I hope you all have a great day. Better yet, let's make it a better day! Thanks, Deb
Before I had my RNY I had to see a GI doc for testing and I found it very interesting that even the guy my surgeon recommended wasn't a fan of RNY. He was pretty careful not to completely dis it but you could tell from his comments that he didn't really approve of it as a procedure and basically said that most GI docs don't. I'm sure they feel slighted because they feel like that is their domain and how dare some other surgeon come in a mess with their intestines
Good luck to you!
Corinna Q