BECK CHAT rescheduled 7/16
Hi ALL -
rescheduled for 7/16 @ 9pm - can you make it?
CeCe and I chatted - we missed you all. I know Shawn and Corinna had last minute plans - Not sure about you Dee??? Regardless we missed you. CeCe and I thought that we'd wait and discuss this with all of you NEXT wednesday 7/16 -- therefore there is NO NEW READING!
Please re-do days 1 - 7 and we can discuss it next week together.
We are using Yahoo Messanger again tonight's for the Beck Chat. It's a quick download if you don't already have it or you can even access it directly from the internet without a download. It's much more user friendly than the chat function on here.
Shawn please try to join us again - it should scroll automatically - please give it another try
You just have to sign on and I will send you an invite.
PLEASE let me know what your yahoo ID is if you haven't already.
Mine is britt_olivieri so add me to your list
See you all 7/16, 9pm EST.
We will be covering
pages 53 - 95
I look forward to chatting with all of you
no new reading to do JUST get caught up and do the exercises BECAUSE YOU ARE WORTH IT!
Hi everyone,
Sorry I missed last night - was out with my sister trying to reconnect and be as supportive as I can. It's hard when you've never lost a spouse before. I'm divorced but you know, it's not really the same thing. I try to just let her vent and hope I can help in some way. I got home too late to join in the chat. This has really been a bad week (or should I say month) for me. Work is terribly stressful and it shows in my eating habits. I, too, have been having trouble keeping food down lately. It's highly possible I am waiting too late too eat (and then I'm too hungry to eat slowly) and I'm eating too fast. And the Carb Monster has been on my back every minute of the day!! But I will try again this week!!
Thanks for the support and encouragement, girls!! It really does help!!

We missed you but I understand that your sister needs you. I have thought of her often and cannot imagine how hard it is for her.
Sorry to hear you are having trouble keeping food down. I had a bit of an episode last night after dinner. I ate moussaka (healthy, healthy version with plain yogurt and lowfat cheese top) and the amount was reasonable. Maybe I ate too fast too but I almost threw it back up and felt lousy for about 30 minutes.
Stay strong and slay that carb monster! He's chasing me too!
I have been out of action. We were on vacation with no internet and then back to utter chaos at work first time I've been on the boards since before the 4th. I will definately start posting and join in in the chat on Wednesday. I didn't gain anything on vacation which was good. My exercise has not been good and my eating so so