Weekly Weigh in 6-30-08
Hi Ladies (and gents - where are they?)
Hope all of you had a great week I am down 2 pounds yippee
starting weight * 250.5
last week * 152
this week * 150
down 2 pounds
BMI *23.5
I am loving our Beck Chats and our accountabilty posts. They are helpful
I have missed a few days of posting BUT i've been doing pretty darn good!
Sorry this ia late - SUMMER is here and my *girls just wanna have fun*
We took tucker for his booster shot this morning - he is sooooo stinkin' cute! I put a picture of him on my profile
OK off to play in the pool with my little ladies
Have a GREAT week stay focused - YOU (yes, you!) can do it!!!!!

Good Morning! I had an off week last week I had 2 solid days of sleeping and then back to normal. I was terrible about exercise and eating and posting. I did enjoy our Beck chat and will sign up for the Yahoo when I get home.
I lost 2.4 pounds and am feeling pretty good about that. I'm really working on saying no and making better choices. I did make some meals so I would have lunches and not have to think about what to bring.
We're off to the cabin on the 4th through the 8th so I'm excited about that. I will indulge in too many sweets but generally I exercise in the water quite a bit too.
This week I'm focusing on exercise and not so much snacking I would love to see the scale go down a little more.
Everyone have a fabulous week
Deb -- congrats on the 2.4 YOU GO GIRL!
Remember you can WORK your RESISTANCE muscle!!! YOU CAN resist anything you want to! Enjoy your FAMILY and your vacation!!!
*I will* indulge in too many sweets but generally I exercise in the water quite a bit too.
(encouraging you ALLLL the way to goal!

Woo HOO! You are down 2 pounds! The accountability posts are paying off for all of us, aren't they!! By the way, Tucker is cute as a button! Your girls are absolutely GORGEOUS and their mom is HOT! Britt, I've said it before but I'm saying it again, you could be a model!!! WOW!
I want to explain being AWOL for a few days (that means "absent without leave (permission) for those of you who don't speak military!)! My old, old iPod that I've used for years to teach all my classes and to entertain me has been acting up. We stopped at Best Buy on Sunday and my husband talked me into buying a new one BUT we also talked ourselves into buying an Apple computer with the 24 inch screen. My daughter is a graphic artist and has raved about Macs for years. Well, I'm trying to learn this new computer and get everything switched over from the old one and get my new iPod set up. WHEW! I tend to get stressed with electronics to begin with but at the same time, I have extra classes to teach this week so I was trying to get playlists made for those along with transferring everything. And, somehow, last night I managed to erase almost 9,000 songs/videos and all my playlists off my new iPod and had to start over again. Oh, and one more thing, the blasted old iPod is Windows formatted and wouldn't play on the Mac. I haven't had the time or patience to figure that out yet!!! My daughter is already tired of me calling and asking for help! I still have my old computer here on the same desk so I will definitely be using it tomorrow night for the chat!
I left for the gym at 7:15 this morning to set up to teach the first class and make sure my iPod was working! I taught the first which was an interval class (aerobics and strength) and then set up for the Spinning and abs class. So, I've had plenty of exercise for today and boy did I sweat! I think the participants got a good workout too!
My stats are basically the same. I was down to 129.25 for several days last week but it spiked back to 130.25 because of restaurant food. We met friends for dinner over the weekend and while I chose fish (which I barely ate because it was greasy even though it was grilled!), I ate a sweet potato with it and one roll. Overall, the Beck book lessons are sinking in slowly. I am more aware of my eating and the reasons and I'm getting a little better at negotiating with myself.
you skinny lil thing you --- 129.5 ...SHOW OFF!
You are amazing!!!!
Thanks for the comments
love ya!
Oh my I hear going to mac .... takes a bit getting used too
good luck -- i'd be so out of my element -- your daughters would block my many phone calls - sounds like you had 1 awesome workout today
good luck with that Ipod