Weekly Weigh In week of 5/26/08
Better late than never, huh? Sorry I'm late with this today but we slept in and then I cooked breakfast!
So, here we are at the end of May already and as I tried to go to sleep last night, I was thinking how I'd not been totally back on track since my Christmas trip!!! Every time in the past that I lost weight, a trip or someone visiting us seemed to be what got me off track and gaining again. I could never seem to just pick back up and get myself consistent again. I fear that is happening now so I've committed myself to strictly following the plan I was following all last year. Granted, I still wasn't perfect then but I was making much better choices and I was keeping track of what I ate. This past week I've grazed so much and have looked for any excuse to eat out. In fact, we ate all three meals out yesterday. I can't go on like this! Today's meals are planned (part of it is eating leftovers from yesterday!!!) but from this point on, I'm not going to be on auto-pilot, I'm going to have a conscious dialogue with myself about the choices I'm making and why and when I'm eating what I'm eating. There are things that are no longer coming into the house (like almonds!) in packages that I can just dig my hand into. While almonds are good for me, I need individual packages because having a jar or can of them is too tempting for me right now.
I hope everyone is having a nice long weekend while remembering the reason for it. I hope that Shawn's children did well in the parade and that her son and the whole town is moved by the 21 gun salute. Please pray for those servicemen in harm's way.
Here are my stats. I'm up more from last week but that's IT!
Begining Weight: 245.25
This Week: 129.25
Total Loss: 116.00
BMI: 22.2
I'm going to post separately about my Mom in a minute but I wanted to at least post my weigh-in now. I've been doing okay food-wise, I guess. Actually, I haven't had much of an appetite for food but I've been having a few drinks just about every day. Don't worry though - I'm not letting it get out of control. I haven't been watching my protein intake or carb intake lately or exercising at all. I'm just wiped out. But once this is all over I plan on getting back on track. I am losing and gaining the same 3 lbs every week but I can tell I am losing muscle tone. One day soon I'll be back on my game.
Here are my stats for this week. Not sure what they were last week - I think they were the same.
Starting weight: 233+
Last week: 138?
This week: 138.4
Gain: .4?
Hugs to all,
I've been thinking about you lately and I know you must have zero time for yourself right now. I'm looking forward to reading your post about your mother. I've hesitated to ask about the situation because I know it must be painful to you. Please do try to get in an adequate amount of protein each day and don't forget your vitamins. Your mom needs you right now but she needs a healthy you! In order to take care of others, we have to take care of ourselves. So, please take care and check in with us when you can.
Hi everyone.
We had a really fun weekend at the lake of course I ate too many sweets but oh well. I did try a little sangria slushy my first venture into alcohol since my surgery. I had two teaspoonfuls of it and I was sicker than a dog I got really pale and light headed. So I'm not going there again. One nice thing it only last about 10 minutes. I did gain this week and I'm almost back to the weight I was at before going to Rochester. I really think I'm meant to weigh this and I'm not fighting it anymore. I'd really like to weigh less to get a healthy BMI. I still fit in the smaller sizes I bought so that's good.
My goals for this week is to exercise and make better food choices.
Beginning Wt 298.5
This week 161.8
Last week 158.2
Gain of 3.6
Total loss 136.7
BMI 29.6
Everyone have a fabulous week.
Hi, Deb!! Glad you had a great weekend! I, too, had a drink this weekend and it didn't sit well with me either! Mine was a Cosmo and I guess it was just TOO sweet. I was feeling lightheaded and sick too and slept in the car on the way home! I didn't drink for a year after surgery and have probably only had about 6 or 8 glasses of wine since and one Margarita. When I started the Margarita, I had an empty stomach and after about 3 sips, I knew it wasn't going to stay down. The last thing I wanted to do was throw up in a public restroom but I had no choice! Thankfully, the person who came in waited until I was almost done and it was a waitress. I felt fine then and went back to eat my salad and even finished up the drink!!!! I was never much of a drinker and I'm sure not one now!!
I wouldn't be surprised if most of us gained a little weight over this long weekend, Deb! And, I wouldn't be surprised if that weight melts back off once we get back into our routines. We probably all took in more sodium in addition to the calories and SUGAR!
Your body may have a setpoint but that can change. If you really want to lose more, you can. I was shocked when I got under 140. I thought that's where I had settled. Now I think my body has a setpoint of 130. YET, I know that eating like I ate the past week could give my body a big message that I'm ready to reset that point!!!
Let's all get back to working our programs! I'm feeling bloated after this weekend!
Thanks for thinking of me and my kiddos... The parade was great... It was very hot and very sunny.... The ceremony in the park was very touching and the 21 gun salute was wonderful.... Of course I cried too.... It was a busy day and we all had a terrific time...
My stats are awful, so I am not posting that this week... My monthly cycle came, plus with the fudge in the house and my son home visiting things are not going good in that department... I spent Sunday crying about it... Hopefully I can get myself back on track and get the weight off that I have gained and maybe lose some more.... I just feel so doomed to be fat!!!!! I know I am the one in control of it, but I feel so out of control lately... Anyway... I will try and post next week with my stats....
Shawn M.
First of all, you are NOT fat!!! Every time I see your avatar, I always think you look like a beatiful starlet! You do not look like you have 1 child not to mention 6!!! Don't cry over the past, just be determined not to sink back into the bad habits. If that fudge isn't gone, give it away! The period weight will go away if you don't eat out of frustration over it (like I always did/do!). Today is a new day and if you've overdone it today, starting this instant, eat healthy. We CAN do this!!! We CAN! We have a powerful tool but we have to respect that tool and use it wisely. Keep posting, Shawn! I'm not going to let you isolate! Vent, complain, do whatever you have to do but don't stay away from the board!!!
You are so awesome!!! Thanks so much for your inspiring words... I have gotten better the past two days about my eating after I saw the scale... but it just frustrates me that I can give into temptation so easily.... I have really been trying to focus on my protein and my water the past couple of days and hopefully next week that will be reflected... When I had my houseful of people here on Monday I was doing my best to get rid of that fudge.. I was offering everyone a slice of it.. and today I only had one little nibble unlike the other day when I had a slice then another slice later, then yet another slice after dinner... it was bad... plus I had the maple covered almonds.... uuuugggghhhh... what a bad week I had... but I WILL recover and I WILL get my butt back on track.... Thanks so much for keeping me accountable.... I am so thankful for this board... even though we seem to be dwindling down, it is good to know that my November buddies will always be here for me...
Shawn M.
I've told you before that I think you and I are very much alike so I TOTALLY understand your feeling out of control around that fudge. I do my best to avoid bringing stuff like that into the house but sometimes.........!!!! I know the fudge was something from your trip with the kids and it won't be available forever, thank goodness!!!! I was doing the same thing with almonds. Oh, they kept calling my name. I'd grab 3, 4 or 5 and then in a few minutes do it again. I had to recognize I just can't have a can or jar in the house but I think I will look into getting some in the snack size bags. I'll check at Sam's. Nuts are very satisfying to me if I can stick to a reasonable amount!
So, Shawn, let's agree that when food is calling us and we find ourselves reaching, we will think of each other and say out loud some little message to stop ourselves. I'll say something like this: "OK, Shawn, I know you're watching me! Help me walk away!!!" And, we can even PM each other. Even if the other isn't online, if we just go to the computer and write, we'll be practicing what Trudy talked about yesterday. We can write what we are feeling. If we are just bored, simply goiing to the computer and writing will take our minds off it. If something is bothering us, we can explore what it is. Sometimes we don't even know what it is until we vent. So, let's strengthen our ability to avoid temptation!!!
I'm doing pretty well today, how about you? I taught 2 classes back to back this morning. It went well and I have lots of energy. I'm headed out in a few minutes to my eye specialist. My eyes have been bothering me so much since the face lift. They are either running or dry, dry, dry. I still have swelling in the lower lids that prevents me from shutting my eyes tight and shower water runs into them!!! They are bloodshot too.
I had proteing powder and yogurt for breakfast. I stopped for a Cafe Au Lait after classes but I mixed part decaf and part regular coffee mixed with my steamed skim milk. Since I'm going back out, I had yogurt and protein powder again for lunch but I added 1/2 banana and a little Fiber One cereal.
Last night I did end up having the crunchy no sugar added Klondike but I did well overall yesterday and the scale rewarded me this morning. Evenings are the worst for me and with my husband being gone I have nothing to distract me!!!
I hope you are having a very good day, Shawn! Remember, we are looking over each other's shoulders so let's make good choices!!
I had to "endure" compliments from members of the 2nd class I taught. I don't see those people often and, like everyone, they were amazed at how I looked. I am still so uncomfortable when it gets talked about in groups like that! Mostly, I just say "thank you" and change the subject. People probably think I'm conceited about it but I've never been able to accept compliments and getting compliments about my body is extremely unnerving for me!
Ok, gotta round up the dogs and get out of here! Have a great day - keep your chin up and be happy!
Whew!!!! What a long day!!!!
18 holes of golf... and I walked most of it because I kept hitting my ball only about 20 yards at a time... LOL.... I did horrible, but got to spend the day with hubby, my mom and my son (the one home on leave from the army)... We had a blast and did a lot of goofing off... It took us almost 5 hours to golf 18 holes... None of us did very well, but at least we had a good time.... My son was a riot too.... I am exhausted from the day and I hope me and hubby can do it again soon.... It has been 5 years since we went golfing together...
Tonight I have to make toga's for my 2 girls (to be worn over clothes)... They have a girl scouting even to benefit battered women, and they get to wear togas.... That is tomorrow night, but I have to make the togas tonight.... :::::sigh::::: so much to do and so little time to do it in..... End of the year picnics are coming up at schools for all my kiddos, plus a few field trips yet.... Then they are home for the summer..... :::::rolling eyes::::: LOL..... I wish there were no summer break, but at least I get a couple months to sleep in...
Overall it has been a good day.... perfect weather for golfing (sunny and 63 degrees).... I also have made much better food choices today... I did have a nibble of fudge today, but I had my curves cereal for breakfast and a lean pocket for lunch.... I think I will have some homemade chili for dinner... I like when I have a busy day, it keeps me from grazing....
I will remember you on my shoulder, talking in my ear next time I run to the fridge... LOL....
I don't think I have ever seen those sugar free Klondikes... I will have to check for those... I am so happy to hear that you were rewarded by the scale today... You go girl!!!! You rock!!!!!
Shawn M.