on 4/3/08 3:21 am - TRINITY, NC
ONDERLAND! I did a "Britt" and took a pic of my scale this morning. I have been an emotional wreck all day. The pic is on my profile. Yall take a peek! Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!!!!!! Hugs, Val
on 4/3/08 8:08 am - Long Island, NY
you so R O C K ! wtg
on 4/3/08 10:41 am
Val, HOW WONDERFUL!!!!!! I know you haven't stopped smiling all day long!!! WHEW!!!!! What a relief for you! I know you've been so frustrated but now you've reached a major milestone! I'm so thrilled for you!!!! WOW! Let me go check out the picture!!!! WHOOPEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! CeCe
on 4/4/08 12:47 am - MN
Congrats You look wonderful in onederland. I knew you could do this. Deb
on 4/5/08 11:31 pm - TRINITY, NC
Thanks Deb, It has been the support of all my Nov'06 buddies that has gotten me to Onderland. Without you, I think I would have given up long ago. Now I have the determination to push harder and go farther than ever. Thanks to EVERYONE! Hugs, Valorie
on 4/4/08 1:36 am - TRINITY, NC
Thank you Britt and CeCe. I am still on cloud nine. checked my weight this morning to make sure it wasn't a fluke and it was still 199.6. I went to see a PS yesterday and he told me he would do the "bat wings" anytime I was ready. He said my arms would probably not benefit from any more weight loss. He also said I was a great candidate and he thought the surgery would make major improvements to my appearance. I was happy to know that he thought I was ready. They actually have and opening on thier schedule on April 14 or April 30. (he only operates at the surgery center 2 days per month) I am debating taking the 30th or I have been thinking of waiting till Sept or October. I do want to lose more weight. Also, I think doing the arm in the Fall when the weather is getting cooler will be better for long sleeves to cover the dressings/binders. What do you think CeCe? You just went through it. Would you wait or go for it now? Also wanted to see if his price was reasonable. The whole ball of wax surgeons fee and surgery center fee, would run $6500. Is this reasonable? Another reason for waiting till Sept is that I think I can have Cash and not have to hock my wedding rings to pay for it. Just kidding! (my rings aren't that valuable ) So, what do you think? Anyone's thoughts/opinons would be appreciated. Hugs, Valorie
on 4/4/08 3:16 am
Valorie, Being a Libra, I see both sides!!! You could get through the hot weather and have it done in the fall when everyone is wearing longer sleeves or you could be impatient like me!! I always want everything done yesterday! On the other hand, it won't be terribly hot til July and your incisions would be looking better by then. I'm still pleased with my progress but the worst part about the arms is the numbing or strange feeling of the nerves. With the LBL, the numbing is still there but it is a little different or you just don't notice it as much. With the arms, I can barely stand to wash my underarms because the nerves in my elbows just tingle and feel like they are being (lightly) shocked. This will wear off but it is a strange feeling! Now, about the additional weight loss. In my case, I think it did make a difference. I had always said I was going to have my arms done but the additional 18 pounds I lost after the LBL (the 10 he removed and the 8 I lost during recovery) did make a difference in my feelings about my arms and in the appearance. Now, it just may have been more fat was lost and the arms looked more wrinkled and hanging, I don't know but they bothered me MUCH more after the additional weight loss. If the doctor thinks he'll remove all that before you have to go through that stage, well, I guess that's great! Ask him if he thinks recovery will be harder or easier if there's more fat than loose skin. He's the expert! I just tried to find my surgical fees for the arm lift. Since I had 3 procedures, I can't remember exactly what that cost plus it would be hard to figure the operating room fee and anesthesia fee for just that part but I assume that is a fair price. Ask him if his price will go up in the fall. It's a big decision, Valorie! I'll send you a couple of pictures to let you see my healing. Just to let you know, my doc thinks he gets a better result by making the incision down the back of the arm. I didn't much care for the idea because it will show more but he thinks it pulls less and the long term result is better so I did what he though was best. I honestly think the incisions are going to be very pale and it won't be that often that I'll be totally sleeveless or in a bathing suit, so maybe it won't matter in the long run. I'm sure your incisions will be on the inside of your arms. CeCe
on 4/4/08 4:04 am - TRINITY, NC
The PS was very forthcoming about the scarring. He says of all the surgeries he performs, the brachioplasty was the one that typically left the worst scar. Dr Barber says that he personally hates this scar and only performs the surgery if the benefits would be well worth it. He said that there was just no way around it and the scar was the trade off for the loss of the loose skin. He was also very specific about how he does this surgery. He said that he "used" to do it down the back of the arm. He did it that way for years because he thought it made the patient feel better not to see the scar every time they looked at their arms. Then he changed because it upset patients just as much to know that others could see the scar. He does it on the inside of the arm now, always. As far as losing more weight. Most of the "fat" that I have to lose is left on my butt and legs. I have very little fat left on my upper arms. If I lose 50-75 more lbs, it would be very little that could affect that area. He won't have to remove too much fat to do the arms. He looked at all of my other areas of need and said he wouldn't do any of them till I had been at a plateau for at least 6 months. No need to do a TT or LBL if you could still lose 50 lbs and have more loose skin. When I asked him what his thoughts were on a facelift, he just looked at me and said "you don't need one." He actually said that by looking at my face and neck, he couldn't even tell that I had once been almost 350 lbs. That made me feel really good. At least one area that won't have to go under the knife to look "normal." I would love to see some pictures if you have them. You can email them to me at [email protected] so that I can take a look discretely. I am curious to see what it looks like at different stages of healing. I can understand about the "numb feeling" as it is probably comparable to my c-section. That was the weirdest feeling ever. It felt like that part of my body was suddenly foreign. Except for the tingling feeling, there was no feeling at all. That feeling lasted about 2 years and some areas of the scar still don't have good feeling. I can imagine having that "sensation" from the elbow to the arm pit. I appreciate all of your input. I am still considering April 30 but I am thinking Sept is looking better for every reason. I am a Scorpio and also terribly impatient!! It was all I could do yesterday not to say sign me up for April 14th. I had to bite my tongue. Hugs, Valorie
on 4/5/08 3:00 pm - Alexandria, LA
WoooooHoooooo Valorie!!! I knew you could do it!!!! I am so proud of you!!!!! May you never see the 200s ever again!!! You go, girl!! All I can say is YOU ROCK!!!! Congrats, Deidrah
on 4/5/08 11:23 pm - TRINITY, NC
Thanks Deidrah! I pray that I never see a 2 in the front of any number on my scale ever again. So far, so good. I was heart sick to read about your brother-in-law. My thoughts are with your family. Such a shock for all of you. To lose someone so suddenly is very heart breaking. I know words don't offer a lot of help but just know that we are thinking of you all. Hugs, Valorie
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