Weekly Weigh In week of 1/28

on 1/27/08 8:00 pm - Long Island, NY
Hi all, I hope all of you had a relaxing weekend and have a great week ahead. I feel *really* good as if 'something' **clicked** - I started the Beck Diet Solution and I am loving it (learning from it). It sat on my shelf for months and after Cece talked about it last week - she inspired me to get off my butt and start the program (thanks Cece! ) . I am so glad I did. Here we go .... Starting weight 250.5 Last week = 140 This week = 140 Loss this week = 2 (yippeeeeeeee) Total loss = 110.5 Current BMI = 22.6 Be Determined! Keep your eye on the prize Quotes Anonymous- Self-determination is fine but needs to be tempered with self-control. I care not what others think of what I do, but I care very much about what I think of what I do!. That is character." - Theodore Roosevelt hugs, Britt
(deactivated member)
on 1/27/08 11:31 pm
Hey Britt - Wrong place but congrats on the magazine. You should be the cover. You are so beautiful!!!!!!!!! I stayed at my house all weekend long (except for church) and I got so much accomplished! It was great. I feel rested. I love my house. (Ok - maybe I'm not there enough!) Had ups and downs this week both with the choices I made reguarding food and weight but in the end.... Starting: 358 Last Week: 172.5 Today: 170 ( 2.5 pound loss) Total Loss: 188 (Wow I've lost more than I weigh!) My mom send me a cd of "Skinny songs" It is so much fun and I can't wait to work out to it. Here are some lyrics from the song - You da Boss (It is a rap) I'm here to remind you That you da boss, not da food Stick that in yo' attitude And show that you got fortitude Say you da boss, not da food Remember that with gratitude 'cause It ain't just some platitude You da boss, not da food I've got to love it!!
on 1/28/08 12:19 am - Long Island, NY
Thanks for the cheers Miss Trudy - you are so sweet! great 2 week loss. I love getting SO much done and caught up at home - That is great I'm *trying* to do that, but with three little ladies ... I have to be realistic! I am seeting liitle goals - todays goal my computer desk - I'm 1/2 way done. I saw that SKINNY song lady on a talk show last week - it looked adorable. great job 2 pounds YOU DA' BOSS! hugs, Britt
(deactivated member)
on 1/28/08 12:25 am
My mom saw her on a talk show. My sister has lost 60+ pounds and maintained it for about 2 years. And them me... She bought us both a CD. I thought it was nice of her and I'm sure it will get me fired up. Pretty impressive halfway done with today's goal. Between gymnastics and a HS boy it seems like we are only at the house long enough to mess it up! I don't think I could have three. At least not with a full time job - I have no idea how people do it!
on 1/28/08 1:12 am - Long Island, NY
Yes, I hear ya - being in the house long enough to mess it up. I love my house too and like to keep it tidy - but three little ones can look like a tornado ran through it in just a few minutes - it can make me . I let them play -they're little girls ... but whew ...what a mess. When the little ones nap ... I do damage control and buzz through and clean up ...then the little darlings they wake up from nap and *bam* the tornado hits yet again ... once again before hubby get home I buzz around cleaning up (I don't want him to feel he is walking into CRAZINESS) then when daddy comes home its play time again before bed and then after story time - they are off to bed .... then WE BOTH buzz through to get things back in order - thankfully I have help for the evening rush. I have to take and pick Victoria up from preschool every morining - that means all 4 of us are dressed, fed and out of the door very early in addition she has religion class and dance class. Next year all three will be in dance, religion and school (preschool for the little ones) I cannot imagine - how much more busy i'll be. Thankfully I am a lot lighter - it sure does make it easier to schlep around 3 kids! have a great day, Britt
(deactivated member)
on 1/28/08 1:08 am - FL
There is something very weird going on with me. My weight is jumping all over the place. Today was an all-time high. I gained three pounds overnight! I have a ten-pound range that I'm bouncing in. I understand hormonal water weight, I understand building muscle weight, blah, blah, blah but poundage is poundage! And regardless, ten pounds cannot be accounted for with muscle, water, or even calorie intake for that matter! And even more weird is that my clothes still fit the same. What the heck? Has this ever happened to any of you? Wanda
on 1/28/08 1:13 am - Long Island, NY
Yes, it has makes me BONKERS I cannot undrstand it!
on 1/28/08 1:25 am - Long Island, NY
I was going to try to get to 135 - But I am happy to stay at 140 - I am finding it hard enough to findmy sweet psot with the 'right caloric intake' for me ... It is crazy - some people breeze right through - not me IT's challenging!
(deactivated member)
on 1/28/08 8:48 am - FL
Just wondering, what have you discovered is the right caloric intake for you? Today is the first day that I actually counted. I did good with my calories (980) but not so good on carbs (119). I burned 500 calories at the gym this morning so I had oatmeal and fruit right after which adds a lot of carbs. At least now I know to watch out for the carbs tomorrow. Wanda
on 1/28/08 9:27 am - Long Island, NY
I *cannot for the life of me* figure 'the right' intake for me ... I had that metabolsim test taken and it says I should taking in 1973 to maintian ...if I sit all day and 2564 with my activity level. I can tell you that is not right - I'll gain away ... I tried. I ~~~ think~~~~ I am around 1200 to maintain??? But I cannot be sure. After the Nuvaring weight gain ...I feel like I am back at square 1 trying to figure that all out. i'll let you know when i find my *sweet spot* for my calorie intake. It's driving me bonkers!!! hugs, Britt
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