Exercise and Eating Plan 1/15
Hello, November Buddies! How are we doing today? Did you plan your day and are you working your plan? I know you are!!!
I did a Body Pump class at 9:30 and then got on the Wave machine and then the treadmill so I've done my workout! I had 2 cups of tea early this morning before getting ready. For breakfast I ate cottage cheese, protein powder and 1/2 pear. For lunch I ate lemon yogurt, protein powder (I always use Any Whey unflavored, by the way), hemp seeds and a banana. YUM! That was good! The unshelled hemp seeds are something a friend told me about a couple of months ago. They are good protein and healthy, according to the Internet! I don't eat as much of it as recommended but it's tasty and adds a little crunch to my meals which I like! I'm also drinking my water!
I'm cooking the chicken breasts for dinner but I need to figure out how I'm going to cook them! By the way, I was at a bookstore yesterday afternoon and picked up that Beck Solution or whatever the book is called and it looks pretty good! I think I'll end up buying it. Also, Sam's Club has the Tosca Reno Eat Clean Diet book and the cookbook for about $10 each. Since we have eating clean (not processed and not junk!) as our goal, you might want to stop and look at them at Sam's.
I'm feeling more positive already and I love reading your reports so chime in everyone! Where's Valorie?? We still have a number of people missing. Who are you wondering about? Let's let them know they are missed! Several of us have shared that the holidays got us off track so if you're holding out because you feel you aren't doing great, post and let us give you some support! You never know if what you post will give someone else the courage to get back on track! None of us is perfect! It's so longer as easy as it used to be! Sometimes I scare myself at how much I can eat at one time and I don't want to graze either! What's helping you right now? What's hindering you? How do you deal with wanting to snack at night? Do you have a carb cut off time like Wanda? Come on, WRITE!!!!!
(deactivated member)
on 1/15/08 7:22 am - FL
on 1/15/08 7:22 am - FL
I sure wish I had more time for exercise. This work stuff really gets in my way! I did my 60 minutes of cardio to burn 400 calories before going to work this morning. You've peeked my interest with your hemp seeds. Do you feel mellow and have the munchies after eating them.
I think you will like the Beck Diet Solution. I bought an audio version and listen to it on my way to work.
I have to attend a worker's comp trial in Tampa on Thursday so I'm going to go spend the night down there Wednesday. Randy has been there all week for an RV show. I'm sure he will want to take me to dinner so I'll have to be very careful. Eating out is usually a diet buster for me. I will make sure I get my exercise in before I get down there.
Hope you all have a great day!

Wow! Guess my munchies and paranoia have to do with the hemp!!! Just kidding! It's been a couple of months since I was reading about the hemp seeds on the Internet so I can't remember all the benefits but it sounded good and I like the crunch! I think there's good fiber in it too! I'm a sucker for trying "new" stuff!
How romantic that you and Randy will get to spend a night together!!! If you skip the bread and potato and order some nice asparagus or steamed veggies, a good steak place would be nice or a good seafood restaurant! Tell them "no bread" if you're a sucker for it like me!!! How nice that you get to see your hubby!
Hey Cece,
Grr exercise. I so wanted to report that I got up early and exercised this moring but...layed my butt in the warm bed until 6:00 - too late! Oh well I still have later today and tomorrow. Right now I just want to walk for 30 min.
However, my eating is improving. I journeled everything I ate yesterday - even the bad choices and still had fewer than 1400 cal and over 75 grams of protein.
For today - For breakfast I had protin drink w/ soy milk. I have yogurt and Kashi go lean crunch for lunch and a bag of carrots for a snack as well as a protein bar for a snack this afternoon. So I should be good to go. Supper - Oh what a tangled web... I have no idea. I have to go see the surgeon tonight. My hubby claims he wants to go with me and take the kids (about 45 min. from our house). If he does we will probably go out to eat and I'll make the best decision I can. I want them to stay home and let me go by myself - if that happens I'll do something fast - maybe yogurt for supper.
Hemp Seeds. I am definately looking into it. I like to try new things too and I'm not afraid to try things different ways. With the way I am eating I should be able to loose a little at a time. YEAH! Imagine WHEN I start to exercise too.
Thanks for getting this going Cece,
The only plan I usually have it to try and stay away from too many carbs.... Doesn't always work, but that is usually my plan... Didn't get on the treadmill today, but I plan on getting on it tomorrow... So I guess I do have a plan... LOL..... I just need to keep from napping all morning... Now that I HAVE to take B-12 though, I am not napping as much anymore.....
OH... That is right, I need to update about my last labs.... Uh Oh!!!! Will do that later....
Shawn M.
Shawn, UPDATE ON LABS NEEDED ON AISLE 3!!! What's up? You haven't been taking B12 already? I heard so much about low B12 on these boards that my B12 levels have been OFF THE CHARTS ever since surgery! I use a sublingual B12 from GNC. It's cheap and easy and it must work! I also have used Biotin and just a pill B Complex. However, I still nap sometimes!!
I have been taking Multi's, Vit A, and Calcium.. That is all my dr. recommended... My last labs (according to my PCP were fine), but I just got a letter from my surgeon the other day saying that I need to up take B-12, up my calcium and take Vit D too.... So that is the plan... I have not been too good on taking the vitamins lately so I am working on it, just been so "out of it"... I will be "good" though" and get them in me.... Thanks again for the concern Ce Ce..... You are such a good friend.....
HUGs to You,
Shawn M.
Shawn, I've not been as faithful taking my vitamins either. I get them at least once a day but I used to take them twice or even three times a day. Do try the under the tongue B Complex or B12. It's easy and not expensive! You'll probably have even more energy and feel better. If I remember correctly, the B vitamins can help with mood too. I know they are supposed to help with metabolism.
It's snowing here and is supposed to continue all evening before heading out. We may get 5 inches - that's 5 inches more than we've gotten in the last couple of years! I can't wait to see what the dogs do tomorrow morning! We have a Maine Coon cat who was just out in it and ran as fast as he could from the gazebo to the garage! Guess he figured out he wasn't born in MAINE!!! Hope everyone is having a nice Saturday. I'm eating very lightly because I want to let my stomach settle. We made a big mistake and ate Italian last night and the pesto disagreed with me BIG TIME!