Weekly Weigh In week of 12/10
Good evening, everyone!! I've had a very busy day! I had a physical with my PCM complete with PAP, breast exam and the works. I am anemic which I knew. I'm working on that! She said I sure don't have much residual breast fat for just a breast lift but I told her I was a bit scared of implants! We'll see!!
Here's my stats:
Beginning Weight: 245.25
Last Week: 135.00
This Week: 132.75
Lost This Week: 2.25
Total Loss: 112.50
BMI: 22.8
CeCE, thank you for your mail and thinking that we have "wiggle" room, sounds good to me!
and again I will take it, because I do not want the weight to creep back on me either, and I plan on watching it very well, so that it does not happen to me, I am starting on the first half of 60 and there just is no going back to the way I was before, prayfully.

Woooooo Hoooooooo CeCe!!!!!!! WTG!!! 2.5 pounds... How exciting...
Congrats on the loss, I am glad to hear that you are on top of taking care of the anemia... that is definitely not something to mess around with... Keep us posted on what you are going to do with boobs... lift or implants???? I am scared of either to be honest... LOL...
Shawn M.
Hi all Everyone seems to be doing really good over the holiday Shawn I think your gain was a fluke, it will come off really fast. My conference went really well and didn't overeat had a few more treats than normal. I was really off in exercising last week with all the stuff going on so I plan to do much better this week.
Starting weight 298.5
Last week = 162.4
This week = 160.4
Loss this week = 2.0
Total loss = 138.1
Current BMI = 29.3
This is my lowest weight since surgery, so I was jumping up and down on the scale yesterday morning. I 'm looking forward to the holiday season and know I will overeat but nothing like in past years. I am reading the Beck Diet Solution and it's really a good book I like how she has it broken down so you have an exercise every day it keeps you mindful of what you are eating and thinking about eating. Her one rule is don't eat unless you are sitting down which helped me at the conference I'd have to get a snack and then go sit down.
Everyone have a fabulous week
Wooooooo Hooooooo Deb... a 2 pound week... WTG.... You will be in the 150's next week hopefully..... Congrats!!!!!
I sure do hope that my weight gain does go back down... I would hate to start back on the wrong path... it is just so hard when there is little to no meat in the house to eat... I am sure things will go back where they should be though... Thanks for your support...
Shawn M.
Oh, I'm getting so depressed! My weight just keeps creeping up. I don't know if it is my cycle (since I don't actually get a period I can't tell) or if it is all the carbs I have been eating lately. Probably both and I am really upset about it. I decided today that I am going to be on a liquid diet until Friday night. We have our company Christmas party Friday night and I've heard they have a really nice dinner there. So I am just going to drink my protein drinks and other low calorie liquids between now and then and see if I can get these lbs off. Ugghhh. I feel so horrible like I'm such a failure. Please give me some encouragement!
Starting weight: 233
Last week: 146.4
This week: 149.6
Gain: 3.2
Ugghh. What a bummer.
So sorry that you had a gain this week... I am in the same boat as you...
Don't ever think of yourself as a failure though, look how far you have come... You have done a great job and will continue to do good... I am sure that getting back to basics will work wonders for you... You are a strong woman and can do whatever you put your mind to.... Don't forget to have some fun at that party though...
Stay focused and Stay positive!!!!!!
Shawn M.