In the 130's!
Hi!!!! I am happy to report that I am finally in the 130's! I weighed 139.8 today! I was amazed and glad! I stepped up my exericise, going to the gym 6 out of 7 days and it has paid off big time again! My total lost is 84.4 lbs with less than 5 lbs to my personal goal! I've been losing slowly but steadily and have very little loose skin. I consider myself lucky in that regard. I just hope I won't get bored with exercising now! I am also doing well in the heat, don't feel as perspired as in the past!
Woooo Hooooo !!!!!
WTG Sheri.... Congrats on getting down so low... What is your goal weight? You must be there by now..... I know all about the heat thing... I used to keep my thermostat set at 68 in the summer.. now it is as 76 and everyone keeps telling me it is too hot in the house... I freeze when it gets below 70 degrees.... It is amazing how much "insulation" loss can change those things...
Keep up the great work!
Shawn M.