me too Shawn. I've been sick a few times here and there since, but last night was bad. I got my food stuck and then I couldn't even ge****er down. Hot Tea finally helped to loosen up what was stuck and got things moving again. It certainly feels like how my stricture felt. Hopefully I just ate too big of a bite or ate too fast. I really don't want this thing coming back. The strange part about having the stricture so long is that I have to learn to eat all over again like I did right after the surgery. I'm not used to being able to take more then 3 or 4 tiny bites at a meal. So hopefully I am just rushing or chewing not enough or something like that.
What does a stricture feel like? Ive see people mention it and that they've had it dialated, but how do u know that is what you have? I have been having pain in my LUQ (left upper quadrant) on and off for about a week. Its a constant pain, and not until almost an hour after Ive eaten. Ive tried rubbing my stomach in that area and it doesnt help with the pain. I thought maybe I was just backed up since I dont "GO" as often. When I showed my mom where my pain was she said its where my stomach is, or my new pouch. I do still have a gallbladder, could it be referred pain from that? Im going to call my surgeon tomorrow, but didnt know if anyone on here had any ideas.
RNY 11-17-06
down 66lbs !!
It could be your gall bladder. They thought at first it was my gull bladder because I was so nauseated. Well come to find out I was just so nauseated because I was dehydrated and starving. Go figure
You should look up the gall bladder online and see if you have any of the symptoms. I am not sure what they would be, but I've heard it is painful. I would be concerned about pain that didn't go away.
Everyone is different. You can have a full stricture or a partial one. And even then everyone is different. Some might close to 8 mm or 5 mm or 3 mm. or close completely. I would take 4 or 5 bites and then get that pain behind my sternum, and then I would throw up and then I would be fine until the next time I tried to eat. That is why I am concerned if you are having constant pain. My pain was never constant, just when I ate or drank. You might also have an ulcer. Those can really hurt also. Look up ulcer and see if those sound like symptoms you have.
I kept doubting myself because they kept saying no they didn't think I had a stricture. Well they were wrong, and i should have stuck to my instincts and insisted they checked me out. If i were you I would research ulcers and gall bladder ontop of making a doctor appointment. At least that way when you see your doctor you will have an idea if it could be a gull bladder or ulcer or what ever else.
Keep us posted as to how your feeling and what you find out. And congrats on the 66 pounds!
Hi Heather,
I've had two strictures within 3 weeks but they were both a little different.
On the first one, anything with consistency above yogurt would not go down. I would try to drink water about an hour after, then everything would come up. I would throw up 2-3 times a day, every day. I waited about 4 weeks too long. Belching never would help.
The second one, I didn't throw up (just once, 17 days later). EVERYTHING I ate made me nauseous. Like if I took one more bite, it was going to all come up. Even foods from the full liquid stage (which I had no problem with for the first stricture) made me sick. Belching helped a tiny bit but not enough.
So I called my dr and they scheduled me for another EGD. And sure enough, I had another stricture.
Life and eating is better now. I eat extremely slow and take extremely small bites. Belching helps enormously now.
If foods are making you sick (either nauseous or throwing up), then you probably have a stricture. Call your dr's office and they can tell you.
Thank you Deidrah and Melissa, from the sounds of it, I dont think I have a stricture, because I am having no problems eating. Only problem I had was I ate 2 pickle slices and didnt chew them well enough and was in some mega discomfort for a good 10-15 mins. Its most likely my gallbladder. I should be taking my Urso Forte to prevent the gallstones, but I really have a hard time taking it. I had it made into a compound (liquid) but it makes me burp and has a horrible aftertaste. Id rather have another surgery then take that crap every day for 6 months. Thanks for your replies!!