I don't know about any other lap banders out there but I am sick and tired of GAS! Not painful gas bubbles but out the arse gas!!!!! I used to be gassie lassy sometimes before surgery but this is daily now. I am going to talk to Dr Schram about this when I go back for another fill Feb 12th but gosh darn it I sit at my desk with a can of lysol because I have two other people in my office. It's so darn offensive and I am tired of it. What is causing this I wonder? Anyone else expierencing this as well? ARGH!
I have heard about that happening.... I don't know what causes it. I Have not had that problem.... YET!!! I am sorry you are going through it.... I don't know if there is anything you can do to reduce the amount of gas or not. Let us know what you find out when you see your doc... Good Luck....
Shawn M.
It really is awful, I bet its from all the cheese, protein, meat, etc that I eat. I think the sugar free cookies I bought are part of it too and it may be the splenda. I am just sick of it really and I don't feel very lady like either. I mean it is horrible loud explosive gas and its just awful and it happens constantly and even after a BM. Ridicilous and rude and I want some meds for this. Sorry for venting on you but I needed to say something to someone. My husband looks at me and shakes his head like I can control this or something. I do it in my sleep can you imagine????? I am just frustrated about it. I want to cry sometimes I am so sick of it.
I get bouts of gas and it's horrible! The smell has definitely gotten better, but the virulence of it hasn't. I get almost twisted inside out with pain. I'm in the bathroom all the time. I tried Gas X and it didn't help me much. Maybe I need to eat it like candy. I do know it's related to what I eat, though. NO POTATOES FOR ME! I toot at night when I'm asleep too. Very embarrassing. At least when I was told about it.

Hi Jackie,
On the main board there's an advertisment for "DEVROM" its for gas, and with any of this surgery , we are more prone to gas than the general population, unfortunatley. I am going to order some too. I never get gas, but I will be prepared for it, my surgery is soon. I don't not want to offend anyone, not even myself! LOL

Hi. There is a prescription med called Flagyl that my husband takes for the post surgery gas he had. It's the only thing that worked for him. He had DS sugery which is more prone to the gas issues (especially the foul smelling part of that). It works like a charm. As soon as he misses a day it comes back, but when he takes it he's totally normal.
However, for whatever reason PCP's don't like to prescribe it. Evidently that's pretty common according to the forums so you may want to have your surgeon prescribe it for you. Our PCP does prescribe it for my husband but it took almost 6 months of asking for refills and getting only a 1 month supply before they'd prescribe multiple refills for him.
Anyway, good luck with this. I know gas is one of those things that really affect your whole life. Not only is is uncomfortable physically, but it can be so embarrassing too. When it's bad it can also affect where you feel comfortable going, and who you feel comforable being around for an extended period of time which is very difficult. So I hope whatever you wind up doing it helps you!!!
Just hang in there!!!

Thank you for all the responses. I finally did have a bathroom spell shortly after that but the gas was still present just not as often. I still get gas but not like it was that day. Every 2 seconds I was letting one go and it was so foul all you could smell in my office was lysol and broken arse, thats what I call it. The girls in my office all laughed but they had to be sick to their stomachs. I know I was mortified. I will check into that medicine thank you all again. Love Jackie